Hunt to Wrong 24/1/06 19:00 - Attending:-Bayne, Watchman (leader)
-Vince Valentine, Officer Cadet
-Joey Lanai, Dragoon Corporal
-Gregor Eason, Exploring Officer
-Olchafa Serpernt, Junior Scout
-Jack Sinst, Watchman
-Jyle Russ, Recruit
-Edmund Rufus, Recruit
-Dylan Freewater, Recruit
Thinking it wise to get the largest of my tasks done first I organised a hunt to the dungeon of Wrong to see what damage could be done to the armies of the Juka Kings!
Assembling a good sized force at the barracks we headed off on a long trek into the cold North, finally coming to the huge mountain which housed the extensive dungeon.
Lining up outside I told the men how important it was to keep close at all times and make sure healing was a first priority in a place such as this. Heading inside we first made to the Juka barracks, hoping to catch the bastards in their sleep. Making good use of the simple commands 'Form!' and 'Advance!' I ensured not a single Covian fell whilst we wiped out the entirety of the Juka living quarters and barracks. Satisfied with this I lead the men out of the barracks and into an equally unpleasant part of the dungeon; the torture chamber...

In this foul place, strange floating machines attacked with impossible speed and power dropping two weaker recruits before we could overwhelm the disturbing new Juka technology. Content we had destroyed them all we made our way back outside where I congratulated the men on their grand work and dismissed them. For the Glory of Cove!

Bayne, Watchman and Ranger of the Covian Army.