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Watchman's Trial: Regdar - COMPLETED
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Topic: Watchman's Trial: Regdar - COMPLETED (Read 3060 times)
Gregor Eason
Watchman's Trial: Regdar - COMPLETED
February 21, 2006, 03:32:01 am »
Eason sat the Folk Tale House tavern.
"Another round please, lass", he subtly suggested to the barlady. "Watchman Regdar, eh?" Eason began to browse the Watchman's profile. "Seems he's served before. Interesting.. Well! He'll nay be able to escape the raw punishment that is the Covian Army's Watchman's Trial! Gwahahaha!!?" Eason pressed down a stamp. Trial approved!
Watchman's Trial: Regdar
Addressed to Watchman Regdar
Greetings Watchman Regdar,
T'is about time we got ye underway toward earning the Covian Cap of the Baron's Army. This will require effort, and commitment, but as long as ye keep ye head down and keep working, t'is an easy accomplishment. Believe me!
Gregor Eason, Exploring Officer
* Build Camp outside the Covian Graveyard, and hold.
* Explore the Covian Shire, noting any suspicious occurances.
* Organise and conduct TWO Training Sessions on the roof of the Covian Stronghold.
* Camp must include at least THREE other guardsmen.
* Camp must be held for at least twenty minutes, and set up with suitable reinforcements.
* Patrol must include at least THREE other guardsmen.
* Training must include at least FOUR other guardsmen.
* All aspects of this Trial must documented in THIS thread.
Good Luck!
Last Edit: February 25, 2006, 04:10:12 pm by Gregor Eason
Regdar Le Faye
Everybody loves Regdar!!!..... Right?
Covian Guardsman
Covian Veteran
Karma: +7/-4
Posts: 411
Drunk AND Clumsy - watch out for fumbled swords.
Re: Watchman's Trial: Regdar
Reply #1 on:
February 22, 2006, 09:29:41 am »
Camping with the (un)dead
Guardsmen in attendance:
Regdar, Watchman (leading)
Kas Valentine, Regular guardsman
Yue Yan, Guardswoman recruit
Geit Arma, Watchman
Jenifer Feather, Regular Scout
Bayne, Junior guardsman
I received a pidgeon 'bout meh trial an' got straight t' work. I sent pidgeons out t' all tha available guardsman but only a few turned up. even though thar were nay many 'ere I still knew tha' i' could beh done. We set off slow an' carefull march towards tha Grave yard.
We reached our spot jus' outside tha Grave Yard an' o'course
the pie eater
Kas 'as t' ask tha most obvious question, shall we get buildin'?
I wonder wha' 'e thought we were 'ear fer. *coughs* anyway, we started buildin' tha defences an' i' turns out somebody 'asn't brought enough. Boy i's a good job I was doin' this or they would all beh sleepin' with tha dead people in tha grave yard. I 'anded 'im some o' meh own crates an' tha buildin' o' tha camp was done.
Jus' as soon as we finish i' we were ambushed by a lich! But who other than Coves very own Bayne jumps in t' ation from wha' seemed t' beh nowhere. With 'is aid we magaed t' dispatch tha beast.
After I became awar tha' maybeh these (un)dead people nay like us 'ere I thoguht tha' maybeh we should leave. But than I thought again an' sent
Tha' pretteh lass
recruit Yue yan an' Watchman Geit arma t' clear 'em out! Afterall we can nay 'ave little kids bein' attacked when they beh tryin' t' visist thar gran, now can we!?
They flushed 'em quickly an' then I said t' either get some rest or man thedefences, o'course they choose defences. Jus' after tha' Regular highlander Kurt an' Regular scout Jenifier show up an' ask if we need 'elp. o'course we did nay need any 'elp but I thoguht t' meself tha' more is better, so they joined in on tha actioan aswell.
I let tha buggers 'ave thar sleepin' time till dawn.
Dawn came an' all were up except o'course, Kas. I 'ad an' 'ard time gettin' 'im up but he got thar in tha end.
I orderd tha', tha barricades beh taken down, an' then we would march t' tha barracks where I would dismiss 'em.
I' was a different camp t' say tha least. But i' was effective.
Watchman Regdar
Regdar Le Faye
Everybody loves Regdar!!!..... Right?
Covian Guardsman
Covian Veteran
Karma: +7/-4
Posts: 411
Drunk AND Clumsy - watch out for fumbled swords.
Re: Watchman's Trial: Regdar
Reply #2 on:
February 23, 2006, 09:52:08 am »
Training session one: The Basics
Regdar, watchman (Leading)
Edmund Rufus, Watchman
Kurt, Regular Highlander
Yue Yan, Guardswoman Recruit
Thomas Sendrich, Regular Guardsman
Bayne, Junior Guardsman
Dalamar, Watchman
Jevonia, Recruit
Kas Valentine, Regular Guardsman
Hoagie, Junior Guardsman
Jenifer Feather, Regular Scout
Vince Valentine, Officer Cadet
Geit Arma, Watchman
leloo, watchman
Salidin, guardsmen recruit
Right! Les' see if we can get these
pie eaters
fine guards int' shape! I thought we should start with an equipment check so I ordered fer light sources, bedrolls an' bandages t' beh taken out an' shown t' meh. They all 'ad thar thin's except fer Vince who forgot 'is bedroll. I asked 'im where i' was an' 'e said tha wolfs got i'. I sighed an' said yer nay much o' an example t' tha lower ranks, an' shook meh 'ead slowly.
Next came tha orders. I shouted out a whole lot o' orders an' they were followed precisely, even by tha recruits. Cove should beh proud t' 'ave such a fightin' force at i's ready. jus' send 'em Yewish this I say, we'll 'ave 'em in nay time *Nods*.
Right now i' was time fer tha free for all as I decided nay t' bother with 'em push ups, which I now regret 'cause alot o' 'em needed i' badly an' I mean badly.
I looked 'round tha top o' tha strong'old an' then I looked t' tha numbers. thar jus' nay enough room, so I came up with a cunnin' idea. A free fer all through out tha stong'old! This was a most intense fight, arrows flyin' everywhere, barely missin' tha furniture. Swords singin' an' breakin' tha vases. An' nay forget Kas' magic. When tha dust settled I' was 'ard t' tell who tha winner was, so I'm sorry t' tha winner, did nay get a glimpse o' yer face.
I asked 'em if the wanted t' do part two o' tha trainin' an' they all said aye, most eagerly. I let 'em 'ave a breather an' then we would get t' bussiness.
Watchman Regdar
[OOC: Sorry for lack of pictures, or any for that matter. My screenshot thing went horribly wrong.]
Last Edit: February 23, 2006, 01:43:37 pm by Regdar
Arma Renox
Covian Guardsman
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Karma: +6/-14
Posts: 328
"What did you say about my hat?!"
Re: Watchman's Trial: Regdar
Reply #3 on:
February 23, 2006, 11:00:01 am »
*a scribbled note is attached*
Not only was I there, fer the training, but I was the last man standing in the free-for-all!
Regdar Le Faye
Everybody loves Regdar!!!..... Right?
Covian Guardsman
Covian Veteran
Karma: +7/-4
Posts: 411
Drunk AND Clumsy - watch out for fumbled swords.
Re: Watchman's Trial: Regdar
Reply #4 on:
February 23, 2006, 11:14:26 am »
Training session two: Combat
Team handsome
Regdar, watchman (Leading)
Edmund Rufus, Watchman
Kurt, Regular Highlander
Yue Yan, Guardswoman Recruit
Thomas Sendrich, Regular Guardsman
Vince Valentine, Officer Cadet
Salidin, guardsmen recruit
Team "Booyah!"
Bayne, Junior Guardsman
Dalamar, Watchman
Jevonia, Recruit
Kas Valentine, Regular Guardsman
Hoagie, Junior Guardsman
Jenifer Feather, Regular Scout
After tha' breather tha men (and women) 'ad, they were up an' ready t' get on with some combat trainin'. Wha' better way t' train combat than attack an' defend situations? I asked fer volunteers t' lead tha teams, only a few 'ands went up. I picked Watchmen Edumund Rufus an' dalamar t' lead. I gave Edmund's team a shade o' blue robe an' Dal's team a shade o' brown robe. I asked 'em fer team names an' Kas shouted out team "Booyah!" fer Dal's side. O'course sicne were tha best lookin' side we 'ad t' call our selfs team 'andsome.
First t' attack was Dal's team. I gave them the 'orn signal an' they were on thar way, marchin' t'wards us. They put up a good fight but they were quickly pushed back by the force o' Edmund's team. Most probably 'cause I was on i' *Grins*.
Next i' was our turn t' attack tha strong'old. We waited fer tha sound o' tha 'orn from Kas. an' then we waited some more, an' then some more. They took too long I do say.. Anyway, tha 'orn did come eventually. We slowly marched in our tight formation, edgin' closer t' tha strong'old. Again they put up a good fight, but were nay match fer Team Handsome. We sustained a few blows, includin' meh self when I was knocked unconcious.
I gathered tha tired guards an' sent 'em up stairs t' beh dismissed. Very good work from all o' 'em. Like I said Cove should beh proud o' 'em.
Watchman Regdar
Last Edit: February 23, 2006, 01:27:05 pm by Regdar
Regdar Le Faye
Everybody loves Regdar!!!..... Right?
Covian Guardsman
Covian Veteran
Karma: +7/-4
Posts: 411
Drunk AND Clumsy - watch out for fumbled swords.
Re: Watchman's Trial: Regdar
Reply #5 on:
February 25, 2006, 09:06:53 am »
The last task..
Regdar, Watchman (Leading)
Kas Valentine, Regular Guardsman
Jenifer Feather, Regular Scout
Edmund Rufus, Watchman
Leloo, Watchman
Ben Radau, Junior Scout
Right, I thought i' was 'bout time t' end this gruellin' task once an' fer all. We can nay 'ave meh watchman ferever now can we? *Grins*
I gathered a few men outside the barracks t' 'elp meh an' lined 'em up before tellin' 'em where off on a patrol o' tha shire.
We walked passed tha grave yard an' cleared a few out for we can nay 'ave these thin's terrorisin' citizens. Bah, so ugly an' so easy t' kill. We made short work o' 'em
We walked further past tha grave yard an' then up t' tha road. Kas thought we needed some singin' so 'e let us 'ear some o' 'is "talent". Tha was a bad day fer ears.
I reached tha road an' looked 'round an' nay matter wha' anyone tells yer, I never got lost. I jus' 'ad a wrong map *Nods*. So i borrowed one o' tha mens maps an' we were back on track.
We walked along tha road an' were greeted by a party o' monsters, tha guardsmen formed on meh an' made 'it tha ground faster than you can say "I like t' eat pies!"
I ordered tha men back t' tha backs on a forced march. I applauded 'em on thar work an' gave 'em a short speech before dismissin' 'em.
Nay anythin' t' report tha was suspicious, but may I suggest stayin' way from Kas when 'e sings.. or yer ears will 'ave an unfortunate time.
Watchman Regdar
Last Edit: February 25, 2006, 09:09:15 am by Regdar
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