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Author Topic: Light Company Trials: Bayne  (Read 5287 times)
Tweeso Pebble
« on: February 23, 2006, 12:02:51 pm »

Another one reaches the Trials!
This Is the entrance aswell as the outrance! Dead or Alive!
Anyway, We've heard rumors from the outer world from Cove. We NEED to know those rumors and see what threats Cove. The reports should be posted on this thread.

Task 1
You'll have to find out what relations Vesper have to Stonekeep. Use your Scout talents and write a Report about all following thing:
*Latest Strike's (Why to strike)
*Planned Attacks
*War / Ally ?

Task 2
The Vermin In Covetous keeps troubling our Mountains.and  I went myself to find out where their Harpy Chieftain were sitting. I traveled to Ilshenar Spiritually Shrine and continued North to the Mountains and at last I found their Nest and the Golden Harpy sitting there. I was unable to do something , but perhaps you can?

Find a good spot , get an aimed shot and assasinate this Golden Chieftain. If he's not there then slay his minions to make him come!
I want a full report with a Sketch on the kill , and bring it's head.

Task 3
This task will be decided after how good you completes the first and second...

Scout Sergeant Valiro Gryphonclaw
   Cove Army & Command
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Karma: +2/-3
Posts: 290

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« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2006, 01:09:58 pm »

Bayne silently slid forward through the thick nest of twigs and bones, his eyes never swaying from the creature before him. A queen of its kind, the harpy towered above every other bird in the clearing.

The ranger grimaced as the vile beast's humanoid head swung towards where he was hidden, he could only hope that the small cover offered by the harpy nest was enough to conceal his shadowed form. Daring an upward glance he breathed a sigh of relief as the half-bird turned the other way, screeching at its equally vile subjects. Now was the time Bayne knew. Levelling his crossbow he took careful aim and gently squeezed the trigger...

On receiving my scout trials I immediately set out to accomplish the second of the tasks; eliminating the harpy queen. Not a problem or so I thought...

Making my way overland I soon arrived at the entrance to the creature's lair, a large clearing in the mountains of spirituality, used by the vicious harpies to build nests and repopulate dungeons of the likes of Covetous.

Silently entering the clearing I began to make my way past the lesser denizens and soon had the Queen in my sights.

A brutal battle ensued as I lead the creature out of its well protected lair. For what seemed like hours we exchanged arrow for talon until finally, the creature lay dead.

Cutting off its head and plucking its golden feathers I made my way back to the barracks to drink to my fallen enemy. Another victory for Cove and one less enemy for its people!


Bayne, Junior Guard and Ranger of the Covian Army.

Tweeso Pebble
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2006, 03:15:38 pm »

Excellent! Task 2 Is completed.

Scout Sergeant Valiro Gryphonclaw
   Cove Army & Command
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Karma: +2/-3
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« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2006, 02:21:02 pm »

During Rory Munro's training last night, he received word from Vesper that they were under attack. Quickly packing things up we travelled by gate and marched to the town hall to see what was happening.

Apparently the Maestro Odenetheus had promised Klion that he could take occupation of Vesper. What gave him right to do this I couldn't tell but something told me he had some sort of control over the Baron Twothumb.

This was confirmed as Lady Tabbitha of the Knights Hospitallers told us that if the Maestro was at all injured then the Baron would be wounded likewise. Something sinister was goin' on I knew.

Even as she spoke however Lord Klion and his force of Yew Millitia advanced. Taunts were exchanged between Munro and the Protector and I fell in with scouts Ben Radau and Olchafa Serpernt, ready for a combined attack on this cocky 'Lord' Klion.

The attack was picture perfect, a true testament to the power of the light company. No longer than three seconds after battle was joined, Lord Protector Klion lay in a pool of blood unconscious, two scouts and myself standing proud over his fallen form. With their leader felled the rest of the Yew formation scattered. Most were hunted down and the rest retreated with their tails between their legs. A grand victory for Cove! We had saved our Northern allies from Yew occupation, for the moment at least.

My investigation as to what is going on in Vesper is not over yet by far but at least I know now that the Maestro, as per usual, is the one pulling all the strings behind all this suffering. I will return to Vesper this evening, albeit disguised, in an attempt to find out what the people of Vesper know and have to say.

Note: I had pictures of the battle but unfortunately they were ruined by a crossbow bolt that hit my pack. I shall try harder to keep hold of the paintings of tonight's investigation.


Bayne, Junior Guard and Ranger of the Covian Army.

Tweeso Pebble
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2006, 03:05:59 pm »

Hmm A very good report , even If some sketches would've done it better.
I'll ponder and study your report and our current information for awhile. You're third task will be set , hopefully before the next promotion parade. But be patient!

Scout Sergeant Valiro Gryphonclaw
   Cove Army & Command
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« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2006, 03:49:22 pm »

Well done there Bayne I can not wait to see y ou in the Light Company. Keep up the good work.

Tweeso Pebble
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2006, 02:18:11 pm »

Your Final task Is now decided. Within the Light Company we've decided to let you try to become on of us , A Scout. It's important among the Scouts to have discipline and effectiveness during Combat.

Task 3

1 Aquire the Magic Flute
2 Hold a Light Company Training (Either with only Scouts or the whole Army)
3 Write a report about both objectives 1 , 2.

Do this! And you'll both have the Symbol and Trust within the Light Company.

Scout Sergeant Valiro Gryphonclaw
   Cove Army & Command
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Karma: +2/-3
Posts: 290

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« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2006, 09:03:17 pm »

The flute I thought! The icon of Cove's light company. The honour was mine of retrieving my own. To do so I had to travel deep into enemy territory, the heartlands of Yew, through Stonekeep and towards the neutral lands of Skara Brae. A perilous journey I knew.

Making my way there, I passed through the very centre of the Yew territories; Stonekeep and the surrounding estate. Keeping my head down I knew that to be seen there was likely certain death. This was indeed a real test of my scouting skills.

Passing through unnoticed I proceeded south, coming across some ruins, filled with the vile undead. Perhaps once an ancient temple, this place now only stood to house the swarms of liches that plagued its every window and door. How the Yew Millitia could live happily so near such a cadaverous threat I do not know but then again, they are Yewmen. Sighting one that had strayed off on its own I levelled my crossbow and took it down from the shadows. The foul magic holding it's dead bones together quickly dispersed and soon only dust remained. Shadows and dust...

Continuing on I soon came across the Hag's lair. A vile, blind old witch who wanted me to go find the wherabouts of her apprentice in return for the flute.

With my tracking skills and knowledge I soon tracked the boy down but he had been felled by a vicious imp. Snarling and spitting I gave chase, tracking the creature to the distant lands of Ilshenar where I shot it down and returned for what was mine. Huzzah!


Bayne, Junior Guard and Ranger of the Covian Army.

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« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2006, 10:19:31 pm »

The second part of my third task was to lead a Scout training. After the crushing of the Britannian Guards in Minoc I gathered up Cor'Ari Ta and Jennifer Feather and explained what we would be doing. Earlier that day I had seen a vicious demon, a succubus, in the Blood dungeon when searching for my flute. I decided to focus the training around killing this vile, seductive creature.

The light company strike on the Guards was devastating but the one thing that needed training, so we would incur no casualties next time, was cross healing after the initial strike.

Heading to the moongate we made our way to Spirituality in Ilshenar and then on to the fiendish dungeon of blood!

To warm up a little I decided to target something quite easy to begin with. A skeletal knight outside the main dungeon. Amid a great horde of lesser skeletons and imps, it would be a test to see if our forming a block after the initial strike was working.
The strike worked perfectly, dropping the knight almost instantly and the following formation held off the rest.

Entering the dungeon we moved onto something a little harder; a blood elemental. Despite some confusion with Cori losing us and failing to attack, me and Jenn managed to take it down after a short battle.

Next would be the hard part; the vile succubus. Taking up poisitions around the winged demon, we prepared to attack.

Striking as one, we entered the fray, suprising the vicious being from all sides. The battle raged and our healing seemed to be holding up, despite the deadly, destructive powers of the succubus. Indeed the creature seemed to be weakened, almost dead! However disaster struck with its dying breath, one of my heals on Cori failed and he fell to the intense magical onslaught. I followed him to the floor and Jenn barely escaped.

Regrouping and re-healing we prepared to attack once more, this time with the aid of a wandering mage. Before long we had smitten the winged form. Another victory for Cove and a useful training session completed!


Bayne, Junior Guard and ranger of the Covian Army.

Tweeso Pebble
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2006, 01:01:21 pm »

Quite a show Indeed.
More pondering for my part and on Sunday you'll see If you've a free entry to the Light Company , though It's a hard working Division and It requires much of you.

Scout Sergeant Valiro Gryphonclaw
   Cove Army & Command
Covian Guardsman
Covian Legend

Karma: +16/-4
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« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2006, 10:27:12 am »

Excellent work there Bayne. Keep et up.

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