Guardsman attending:
Vlad Junior Juardsman
Vince Valentine Officer Cadet
Nicholi Junior Dragoon (Leading)
Tammy Barmaid (an' one hell of a fighter!) Vesper
Junior Dragoon Nicholi had decided he wanted to fetch a fine trophy for the barracks. A shadow wyrms claw was his original aim, but due to low manpower, whe opted for the claw of a balron! A fine trophy it would make too, if we made it out alive that is!
Nicholi decided that we'd be needing more manpower to throw at this unholy creature, so we headed over to the swaggers inn to see if we could rouse anyones attention, to join our cause. We found a fine young lass there, plus a few unsavoury characters, but Tammy, the local barmaid, said she would join us, and as luck would have it, she was fairly handy with a sword.
As we neared the lair of these foul monsters, by pure luck, we met up with a fresh guardsman named Vlad. Strange name aye, but he could swing a sword, so we invited him along for the ride. We met heavy resistance as we stepped forth into the shrine know as chaos, but we prevailed, as all guardsman of the covian army should!
and then we saw it.....
The meanest demon you'll ever see, here at the entrnace to greet us! he took some mighty swings at us and managed to break us apart for a short while, but we soon regrouped to dish out covian justice to the toothy git!
And then we came upon their lair! Yes, a lair, right there as we walked! Well, let me tell you,. we soon put a spanner in their works and no mistake! I don't wish to seem cruel, but we all uttered a loud cheer when the flaming lava swallowed up that evil creature of the abyss.
So, with the almighty demon subdued, Nicholi claimed his prize...
Our mission completed, we headed out, only to be met by another demon, only this one was stuck in the pit of fire! Gwahaha! They may be strong, but they certainly aren't the sharpest tools in the shed eh? *Grins*
All in all, a very successful hunt, and a very enjoyable one at that *Nods firmly*
Signed Vince Valentine
Officer Cadet