Parade Training in Cove
Commander: Mela, Watchman
Drake Reilly, Guardsman Recruit
Kelly, Guardsman Recruit
Deveriath Fae'al, Guardsman Recruit
It was not to long after I arrived at the Covian Army Barracks that Watchman Mela would order us to the rooftop. Upon reaching our predetermined destination, we were informed that Mela would be going through the Parade Orders. After going through the basic commands, Kelly was 'volunteered' to lead a mock-parade. Everything went realtivly smoothly.
Upon finishing our training session, Mela decided that it would be best to finish with a 'Last Man Standing' style battle. Kelly, Drake, Mela and I (Deveriath), participated in this. In the end, I was the last man standing. Which lead to Officer Cadet challenging me to a duel. I accepted and after quite a struggle prevailed. Ofcourse this wasn't enough for the Dragoons, so Kado Gael stepped in and proceeded to enlighten me what Covian Steel and Dirt tastes like.
All in all, it was a educating session.
Deveriath Fae'al, Guardsman Recruit