Leading:-Regular Grenadier Vlad
Regular Dragoon Thomas Sendrich
Junior Dragoon Hoagie
Junior Guardsmen Mela
Junior scout Edmund Rufus
We were atop of the roof me,Mela and Hoagie once again me and Hoagie were hard a dueling yet he was unable to defeat me.
Soon after i lead a training session focusing on tactical orders and formations
after this Regular Dragoon Thomas Sendrich and Junior scout Edmund rufus oin me for some tactical battle training Mela had run off!*mumbles*
After the battle traning we finsihed off with a free for all
Edmund won this as i was cocky and spared him twice t'was his darn poison
Oh well!nice job you that attended keep it up!
Oh also watch yer tongue on parade Mela your a soldier not a toy one