Attempt one at Subduing the Serpent:
Saturday, June 8th, I woke up at the crack of dawn to prepare. Every weapon and peice of armor was repaired, cleaned, and shined. Bandages were restocked, maps checked, and drills gone over. By 7:00, I was as ready as I was ever going to be. Slowly they came in, in droves of one or two, but surely a formidable force was gathered. There was only one objective; Kill the Unholy Snake.
AttendingVincent Redfield, leading.
Erik Arkay
Max O'Munpain
Shimaro Takeda
Sir Elion, of the Elves
Rana Randier, of the Elves
Nils Twothumb of Vesper
Olk Scamsa of Vesper
Salenor of Kaldor
Tabbitha of the Knights hospitaller
A Quick briefing to discuss tactics. The Snake wouldn't easilly be awoken, so to rouse its attention and thus bring it to the surface, We needed to devise a plan. Some suggestions were, "Lure it out with food", "Bash the ground", and "Kill it before it awakes". All very doable, but I thought my plan would work the best. A plan to cunning, so devious that not only would it not be expected, but it would send a clear and precise message.
The Most Clever plan, Ever.Onward we went! Making it to the moongate, we departed for Tokuno, the island of Isamu-Jima. There, in the humid forests, we marched on. The path was fairly simple, just follow the good old road. After marching a significant distance, our target was in sight; the Decaying forest, swarming with lizardmen and huge, monstrous beetles. Justice would have to come swift, if we were to win; The numbers were against us.
One of those fancy 'Everyone' pictures.As soon as we perforated the thick forest, we were engulfed by the Reptilian Horde. Though numbers were against us, the world has been shown time and time again there is no force greater than the Northern Alliance! I knew I would have to say something smart, something tactful that would rally my comrades, something that would Inspire courage in everyone, and exude my brilliance.
Brilliant!During the heat of battle I was seperated from my group. What I found next would certainly be the key in cracking the code to unleash the beast! The Altar, where no doubt a sacrifice had to be made in order to call forth the infernal snake. Quickly making a note of this and its location, I re-joined the battle. Surely, this was going our way.
Somehow I doubt I'll get communion here...In our zeal, we failed to realize in that slaughtering the little reptiles, their older, more powerful cousins would come to their rescue. Before we knew what hit us, fire-breathing lions and tiny, swooping dragons were upon us, tearing into our armor, and ripping apart out forces. We were scattered, and eventually pushed out of the forest. We had lost several allies, and Night drew near. We'd never win in the dark. I rallied together what was left of the army and attempted to make one last push through the forest, one last attempt to reclaim lost ground. The soldiers drew tight, and on we went...
The End of the Beginning, or the Beginning of the End?Valiantly we fought onwards, cutting down the beasts who remained, and chasing away the small force of Dragon-things that stayed behind to fight. We made a push clear through the forest, from one side to the other, making it to a safe clearing. With a heavy heart, I admitted we could no longer even attemp to summon the Snake, lest we all be killed. Though we did not manage to put down the Reptilian beast, it was a good attempt, at least I thought so. Thank you, everyone, for comming.
-A very humbled, Vincent Redfield.