Patrol At Swaggers Inn
When: 25/7/06 -- 9:00pm
Where: Vesper Coast
Commanding Officer: Vince Valentine - Senior Grenadier
Guardsmen in attendance:
- Salick Kaysen - Guardsmen Recruit
- Cerath - Guardsmen Recruit
- *Ink smudged*
After seeing the opening of the Swaggers Inn, we set out to deal with some of the Ophidians and Wyverns that had been troubling the opening all evening, and to find funds for some of the more expensive wines on the menu...
Many a wyvern was slain by our troop, and quickly they were pushed back to the graveyard. Happy that we had dealt a blow to the occupying forces, we headed back to the Inn.
Part of the money was spent to obtain some commemorative bottles of wine, souvenirs of the Swaggers Inn Opening. Most went to the Cove coffers, with a slight bit going toward the charity collections going on at the Inn, for Billy the Urchin.
- Signed Salick Kaysen