...when I was browsing on the net today and found this website (by clicking on random google ads out of sheer boredom)!
http://umsonline.org/coursedescriptions.htmI was tempted to mail them.
"Dear sirs,
Do you sell powerscrolls as well? At the moment I am an elder mage and a grandmaster Stoic, however I need the scrolls and training to get to legendary status in both aforementioned skills.
Are there any courses you can provide me with and could you inform me of the costs of such?"
On which I would probably get a reaction like
"mag n med pwrscrolz R 10mil eech n00b!!1 w3 macro 4 u 2 just give u$ ur acc info"
But then again, the reefer is good and the spirits are high, so it might just be me.
Also, reading this all back it doesn't sound nearly as funny as it did in my head when I thought it up.