Attended by:Raiden, Grenadier Corporal
(leading)Hoagie, Officer Cadet
Conan Darkmoon, Junior Guardsman
Averion, Guardsman Recruit
(left part way through)Falconheart, Guardsman Recruit
(left part way through)I bumped into Conan outside the barracks and also managed to rally several others as we made our way to the dungeon.
It was valuable practice as most recuits nay know a cutlass from a cleaver or which end of the bow to point at the enemy so it was a good workout for them.
We made our way around fighting various foes. We eventually dropped down into the lower reaches where Hoagie, Conan and I
(the recruits ended up dead i think) did battle against the great big ogres that dwell down there.
We culled their numbers with some good teamwork and healing.
We made our way back to Cove with over 10,000 in gold, 4,000 in the coffers and 2,000 for each of the returning guardsmen.
*signed*Raiden, Grenadier Corporal.