When I've read tha new tasks, me had to think a minute. Me wasn't sure whether have time to seek for these delicious fruits, because was very tired after few days of hard workin' in our great forests.
Another concern was whether to seek fruits myself, or travel to other lands and all of that kind...
In the end, me, Qom Riyadh, humble supplier, decided to buy them fruits from our hard-workin' Covian farmers, in respect of their hard work.
Because me work hard and fair, me had some gold, and is very willing to spare them for food for some beasties, as a way to say "thank you" to all of our fine watchmen, guardmen, dragoons, which make us, covian citizens, feel safe.
so me took my goldies, and went to Jasmine, the covian farmer.
Also bought some carrots, since a healthy horsie need dem to be happy!
Miss Jasmine was very happy to provide me with her foods.
Bag full o' fruits just before handing it to Hoagie
Me hopes the horsies will be fit and strong!