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Author Topic: Report; Patrolling the Shire and Cove  (Read 2686 times)
Rebecca - The Swaggers Inn.
Guest Of Cove

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Posts: 16

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« on: October 26, 2006, 09:13:35 pm »

Flina Trix,
Junior Guardsman.


Connan Darkmoon,
Junior Guardsman.

Sherri Lanai,
Guardsman Recruit.

After watching a disobeying Recruit getting his punishment - Ma'am Trix decided to take
us on a patrol, checking and makeing sure that the Shire was safe for our Civilians.

We walked by the Church and followed the shore down to the Cove's gate.
We didn't met any Trolls, Ogre's or whatever could be lureing about between the buildings
or the tree's.

Entering the gate, Ma'am Trix asked a Civilian, if everything was - As it was suppose to be.
And the Civilian reported back, that she had not experienced any problems, with Orc's or

We thanked her for the help and walked towards the bank. Also here, there was quiet. I did
though, spot a few Rabbits.

Moveing towards the field with crops, we found a sick rat, and it was takeing out of it's
missery. Heading past the field to the office, I noticed several
- As in ALOT of rabbits munching happily on the crops!
Raiseing my voice at and doing wild arm movements only made them move a bit, for then to
stop up and continue munching on carrots and onions.

I mentioned the problem for Ma'am Trix and Mr. Darkmoon.
But like me, they don't have the heart to kill the little buggers.
Even though they munch on the crops.

Then it hit me - I will try look further into Rabbit traps and place a few around in Cove.
Capture them alive in the traps and then release them out into the forrest.

Then they won't get harmed and hopefully the Farmers onions and carrots gets some peace.

After speaking a little with Ma'am Trix and Mr. Darkmoon, we decided to head back to the
Barracks, were we was dismissed.

*Signed in a fast handwriteing*

Sherri Lanai,
Guardsman Recruit.
Diciplined Soldier
Baron's Own Grenadier
Covian Regular

Karma: +7/-5
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The Baron's Own

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« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2006, 01:27:30 am »

Really Really good Report Recruit, next time stick patroll reports in the Patrolling log eh? But other wise very discriptive Keep up the good work!

Tyrael Styx,
Rebecca - The Swaggers Inn.
Guest Of Cove

Karma: +2/-0
Posts: 16

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« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2006, 01:34:36 am »

Euhm... Sorry Sir, won't happen again...

*Goes deep red into her face*
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