Guardsmen attending:
Vince Valentine Grenadier Sergeant
Jennifer Feather Scout Sergeant
Hoagie O.C. Dragoons
Nicholi Regular Dragoon
Kal Shadowhand Regular Scout
Snudrud Watchman
Twas to be a trip to where the rats lurk...
Not just any rats, rats the size of men!
We headed out to Sacrifice, located in ilshnear, where we heard screams of a goblin like nature! Seems our little Snudrud had run into a little trouble with some orcs and brigands there, so us Covians leapt to the rescue, displaying all of our Heroic tendancies.
After the brief skirmish, we stomped, and then moved on. The ratmen came at us fast as we entered their ruins, but we soon put them down a peg or two
No need to get 'ratty'These ratmen were no match for us, so we entered their dirty little cave....
They seemed to have forged an alliance with the rock beasts, for there were many of them inside the cavern. Being the kind generous folks we are, we treated them all fairly. They all fell to our weapons
Gold or brown, your going down!We'd cleared the cave, but we craved more! So we exited, and made our way to the blood dungeon, in the hopes of slaying a blood beast.
That didn't go quite to plan *Loosens collar*
So, satisfied with our rat slaying, we headed home, back to Cove, where we drank, and swapped manly tales! Harr!
*Signed* Vince Valentine
Grenadier Sergeant