Whilst at the Coveian Winter Market one Tabbitha from the Knight Hospitallers came seeking the help of the Coveian Army and all that she could find. Not long after she left to seek help else where Sergeant Richter called all Coveians to line up at the Gates Entrance. He then begain to tell us what all was going on and asked a show of hands on who thought we should help and who thought that we should stay and get hammered. As you may guess I did raise my hand to help them, the rest ellected to get hammered.
I then asked for his permission to go forth and assess the situation, he told me to go and see how bad it really was. I then left through the gates of Cove and made my way to Trinsic. As I got there I seen alot of people scrambleing around running for their lives. I quickly drew my weapon so I would be ready for anything, and made my way to the Park area where all this trouble had started. All i could see is corpses every wheres.
The mass of corpses were of people defending their fair town and of the creatures that invaded it. I walked around triing not to be discovered by the Beasts and so I could get a better understanding of any weeknesses they may have with no prevail. I was revealed by a strange dark thing that looks like a small wind storm twisting about with no remorse about what it distroys. Miss Tabbitha came and helped me up to my feet where I had desided that they needed the help of us Coveians. If these beasts ever make their way to Cove, Cove would surely fall to their attack.
I say that we Coveians need to make a stand with Trinsic now or all would be lost to the world as we know it. Remember when the Orcs invaded Cove? Cove nearly fell to its hold. For not the help from others it would have. Well this is the time we show some Compassion and show what kind of men and women we are here in Cove. I know that we have faced bigger foes in the past and we all came out the best. I pledge my weapon to aide Trinsic,
I know it will be up to Command on this matter but Think about it. Does Cove need another invassion? Or are we going to help?
Signed Regular Scout: Kal ShadowHand