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Author Topic: Help the Baronship grow! Recruit a friend! Pitch in!  (Read 3284 times)
Played by a Icelandic banker
Cove Command
Covian Legend

Karma: +65535/-20
Posts: 1218

The Old One

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« on: November 29, 2006, 01:23:32 am »

A while ago the Baronship of Cove was inhabited by over 160 characters on the guild roster which made us at that time the largest roleplaying guild in Ultima Online. Currently our roster is around 130 in size and has remained in that way for a while now. I'd personally love for that to change, i want to encourage each and every member of BoC to go out there and make an effort to better this guild. Contact some people you know and tell them about the guild, direct them to our website and forums and raise their interest.

Imagine if every member of BoC would recruit one friend into the guild, our roster would nearly double and so would the activity, events, diversity and general excitement in the guild.

Recruitment as important as it is, is not the only important aspect of a smooth running guild. When you log into the game and see two persons online and no one at the barracks don't just log back out, do your own to increase activity. Create a blockade, setup a stall and make sure the soldiers are equipped with all the neccessities, man the wall in Cove Town or just make spontaneous roleplay with the each other.

On average someone logs on every five minutes at regular hours and if they see you outside roleplaying they will definetly join in rather then log back out.

For this guild to prosper and return to its former glory, we all need to work together. A guild takes two things to become great, leadership to lead it and the members to man it.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2006, 01:34:06 am by Raziel Von Richter » Logged

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