Following a summons to the scout tower where i met Mela Arkay, Garand, Dalamara and Grief we proceded to yew where we swiftly caught two prisoners which we escorted back to Cove and interrogated.
From the two prisoners i asked for the same information separately that i could verify the information as much as possible.
The first prisoner, one Floria Tenne, told me that there are about 5 waywatcher recruits with eight or nine active division members, approximately 3 Besieger recruits with around 5 active full members, and three or four Marksmen recruits with around 6 active full division members. Of the bulk of the forces she had no idea of trainees or footmen but told me there are five Rookies, five accepted, a few vetrain soldiers, two sergeants, one lance corporal and one captin.
the current focus of their military target is trinsic specifically a man named Irvyn
The other prisoner a Rookie named Vance stated that there were around six waywatchers, six besiegers, five marksmen with a few recruits, lots of trainees, between ten to fifteen footmen, ten rookies, five accepted, five vetrains, two sergeants, no lance corporal though it was recently a man named aiden and the captin Dart.
The military thrust seems to be towards trinsic specifically for a woman named soulshadow and the duke.
Unfortunately the only information i could get on there spies were lies and attacks at the Arkays and Tib.