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Author Topic: Search for Ginger Buzziard  (Read 2446 times)
Covian Citizen

Karma: +8/-2
Posts: 65

I came, I saw, I ran away!

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« on: February 02, 2007, 07:44:05 pm »

Lead by: Regdar [Junior Guardsmen]
Attended by:
Smudrud [Guardsman recruit]
Erik Arkay [Senior Guardsmen]
Perrin [Guardsman Recruit]
Demarian Tel`var [Senior Granadier]

Me´s were just wandering around like usually, when me`s accidently luckily came around the barracks.
4 people were lined up, and Father Odentheus were speaking to them.
Me`s got interested and went over to see to them.
When Father Odentheus first had his eye on me, me`s were ordered to line up aswell.
He`s quickly explained that Regnar were leading a search after Ginger Buzziard, wanted by the church.
So he stepped aside and Regnar took the lead.
He commanded to search Cove, and the Altmere.

So we set off to Cove city.
When there, we`s agreed to spilt up and search all the houses.
Me`s searched alot of places, but found no Ginger:

After been through most of Cove city, me`s, Arkay and Regnar gathered again.
The two others had left during the search.
We now exchanged information and agreed to search in Altmere aswell, just as Odentheus told us.
Reached Altmere after what Arkay refered to as "a short time of walking", but to me`s it seemed like a year.

We`s entered Altmere and searched through, and found nothing.
On our`s way out Regnar noticed something and told us to come.
On the floor next to where he`s stood, there lay a nightshade.

Was it somehow connected to Ginger?
And to the new root of heresy in Cove?
None of us knew for sure, but we all agreed of "a well done job", and decided to end the search.

*Signed* Smudrud

« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2007, 02:30:55 pm »

*Nods* Good report again you have been smoking nighthade found on the altmere road i guess. Ill be confiscating it for my own use the scouts to poison there baldes with

Demarian Tel'var
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