When: 04.02.07
Lead by: Chief Regdar
Attended by: Snudrud the green, Aerlyn Talaviir, clever recruit,
Marcus, Guardsman Recruit.
We's lined up at the arracks as usuall, but this time, Regdar was leading!
We's headed to Covetsiuos! The birdies there had eaten something bad for breakfirts....beacuse thems were unusually big and angry.....But nevertheless
we's me's killed thems all!
Further inn the gazers were waiting for us! Thems attacked, bur me's managed to save the other coveians by my fighting skills!
What the real suprise was, was that the gazers had a lot of nightshade with them's!
This may have something to do with the grand smuggeling scheme we's uncovered by the dock a while ago!
We's altso discovered a fierce plant! This is proof that vegetables are guradinanspawn!
Ha! We's coveians are brave
men goblinses!
It seemed that the training had been usefull! The recruits were very displined...but og course me's was better....
After a while, the tunnel ended! And suddenly's we's under attack! This seems to be a vital spot for the undead! But we's got them all! Ha!
Then we's returned to cove and lived happely ever after!