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Author Topic: Calico Kate  (Read 3023 times)
Old Battle Axe
Covian Guardsman
Covian Legend

Karma: +24/-5
Posts: 619

"Tired but never weak."

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« on: April 02, 2005, 06:52:11 am »

Name: "Calico Kate"
Age: 23
Ht: 5' 10" in her socks.
Wt: 140 lbs of lith muscle.
General Description:

Human, or close enough to look it, intelligent copper eyes, a bold face, and a secretive smirk. Bravado is bravado whether it's a nobles arrogance or a pirates swagger, and Kate has seen both sides of the coin. It's hard to place her accent, probably because she goes to such lengths to hide it.

Born to a noble family, for most of her life Kate lived thinking that all she ever need to do was marry well, and not spill any thing at dinner. Her father was a high placed official in Lord British's since crumbled court, and all of her brothers were either guards men, or officers in the royal navy.

Kate had three brothers in all, one older, one younger, one dead. When she was nineteen Kate started a career in piracy as an act of revenge for her brother Alexander's murder. She was the only one that saw the kill, and every one else refused to believe that it had been another officer in the Royal Navy who had been hired for the deed. It's so much easier to think a young woman was flustered and mistaken then to open any sort of large scale inquiry.

The only woman on the pirate ship, Kate quickly earned her nick name "calico," for the plain skirts that she insisted on wearing. At first, the only thing standing between pirates and her honor was a sharp bodice knife, and an even sharper tongue. In the end her eloquence won out, oddly enough, Kate really can give a tongue lashing that would subdue a cut-throat.

After four years of buccaneering, her cutlass finally tasted it's revenge and an officer lay dead. Still, that's the trouble with revenge, once it's over there really isn't much left to do. Having tasted freedom Kate couldn't imagine going back to her old name and old life. The arraigned marriage she'd neatly missed had fallen though and it wasn't likely any other noble born would want her with her colorful past. She would be more useless to her family and an embarrassment besides.
She only went home long enough to stealthily catch up on the state of things, realize there was nothing left for her. On her way out Kate gave her youngest brother Thomas a wink from across the yard. He's probably the only one that doesn't still figure her dead, that is, if he managed to recognize the lady behind the rouge.

Politics being what they are Kate's never really cared one way or another who comes out on top. Seeing a recruitment poster in Vespers she decided to join with the Covian milita.

*Earned Merit in The Kaldorian Line Campaign*
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