When:- Monday 5th March, 8pm GMT
Where:- Meet at the Barracks before heading off to Minoc Moongate
Bring:- As many grenadiers and grenadier potentials as possible
Grenadier and potential Grenadier brothers/sisters, I am to lead a grenadier expedition to investigate the lair of the Sepentine Dragon, which I am told dwells in the serpentine passage, an underground passage leading deep into the caves beneath southwestern Ilshenar. It is said to be one of the most beautiful places in this world, where trees and flowers thrive magically underground. Once in the lair I am required to, with your help, kill one that is Golden and to cut out it's tongue as a trophy! We shall begin our adventure at the shrine of Sacrifice, Ilshenar, which is within a small forest right next to a cemetery. The people buried there are said to have made some kind of great sacrifice, but the inscriptions on the stones have long since worn off. From here we shall travel North through lakeshire, then west and south along the path heading for the city of Mistas. We shall be stopping to set up a camp just before we reach Mistas, to rest our weary legs, before entering the city. The passage is North of Mistas.

the black lines represent the route we shall take
C=setting up camp, P=passage entrance
Know your target; A Serpentine Dragon has a gilded mane extending from its face to its tail, along with two gold horns about its head. Its scales are black as the night. It has a strong melee attack, magic attack and fire-breathing attack. So ensure your armour is up to the job of protecting you from fire, physical and poison damage. For those that have the skill of Chilvalry, consecrate weapon should be used where possible, this will temporarily enchant the weapon the caster is currently wielding. The type of damage the weapon inflicts when hitting a target will be changed to the target's worst resistance type.