Where: Fire Dungeon
When: Monday 27 February
Led by Hoagie, Dragoon Sergeant
Attended by:
Vince Valentine, Grenadier Sergeant (left near the end)
Raiden Morana, Grenadier Corporal (joined later)
Garak Nightchill, Officer Cadet
Dalamar, Regular Scout
Jack Sinist, Regular Guardsman
Caedmon, Guardsman Recruit (left early)
Jake Just, Guardsman Recruit (joined later)
Robert Redpath, Guardsman Recruit (joined later)
Darius Kus, Guardsman Recruit (joined later)
Stepping through the portal, we knew we would be in for a tough fight. The Fire Dungeon is the home of many undead and demons, a true pit of the Guardian. Our first trial was a chasm of fire, with the only way across being a rope. Slowly we crossed, losing no one. Eventually we made our way deeper inside, knowing we would soon face the true dangers. But luckily we were joined by reinforcements.
We encountered, and slew, many demons and liches, even some of the lich lords. Many of us were injured but we held our ground and prevailed. The Sergeant wasn't too happy with the speed with which we obeyed his orders though.
We then returned home.
Garak NightchillOfficer Cadet