Lead by : Dalamar
Men who attended
Jack sinist
Kiet Echstaris
Just a boring old day at the church when i heard a bellowing Voice shouting" Men Who wish to join a sentry line up at barracks now" A ran as fast as me legs could take me to ensure i wouldent miss it.
We got given orders to sprint to the graveyard and wait for te rest of the army. As we approched the devistating graveyard a wraith thourght he could test our confidence! So we struck him down with one shot!
Then we Forced the gates to the graveyard open and secured the area with ease! But one solider forgot where he was and fell into a deep sleep and got injured slightly.
After we had Secured the area i had orders do Rapidly made a sentry at near the rusty iron gates. After time we stacked boxes apon eachother, and after that some animal leather we collected.
I was told to keep my place at the top right of the sentry! It wasen't a problem for us the monsters were weak and tired now and there wounds were gathering with dirt. They finaly gave up, it was for there own good.
Then we stacked the boxes one upon another untill they were all in the right place. We then forced marched back to the barracks with victory!