It was an evening just like any other. After a few drinks, I had decided that it was time for my nightly patrol around the forests of Cove. I brought with me the basic kit for a patrol, and just incase, a few extra skins of... water. As I was traveling southward, the forest seemed to close in around me, and the darkness acted as a blanket. Soon enough, I had taken several wrong turns, and found myself lost. With the flickering light of my torch, the patrol continued.. that was until I could no longer walk. My screams seemed to travel no further than my line of sight.
The following morning, I found myself on the edge of the forest, with a wide open beach before me. An hour or so passed, or so it seemed, before I spotted a nearby fishing vessel. I paid them what little gold I had for passage to Cove. All seemed to be good and well, until the storm came. Whether the fishermen has survived or not, I couldn't say.. but the isle I woke upon was little more than a monkey-infested jungle.. it wasn't until one night that I just started walking that I found myself back.. on the doorsteps of the Covian Barracks.
I blame the monkies.
Deveriath Fae'al