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Author Topic: About Eve  (Read 5536 times)
Eve Thenasa
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« on: February 01, 2007, 03:17:54 pm »

( The following is Out Of Character information only...no-one ingame knows about Eve's motivation for joining and raising in the ranks of the Army - Not even Raiden knows her whole story, please also note that this has been written by the player of Raiden, using ideas that came from me regarding Eve's history )

Eve wandered the forests around Cove. She could not banish the bitter images from her mind. The murder of her parents years ago by the brutish Covian Militia, the day she had to sell her parent’s home and business in Vesper and how she had had to flee to Skara Brae to try and rebuild her life.

She had but one thing on her mind since the day she was forced to leave Vesper… Revenge! Somehow she would get close enough to kill the person who had caused all the despair  in her life. Somehow she would kill Baron Octiovus Von Richter.

While living in Skara, Eve had learned to master the bow. She was agile and slender of frame so she took to the bow much easier than to the sword or mace. However when the time came, her revenge would be visited at close quarters.

Eve nearly didn’t see the ogre as it attacked, her mind’s wandering had dulled her senses. She felled the beast with three well aimed arrows but not before it had managed to club her to the floor. The sky and treetops swirled as she lost consciousness.

When she awoke a kindly looking healer was bent over her. She raised herself on her elbows but her head swam. Slumping back to the ground she heard voices, was she dreaming? Oh no it’s Soldiers!

A patrol from the new Covian Army rushed by but one of the warriors stopped and called after his fellows that he would catch them up. Eve thought she would be butchered, sold into slavery or worse as the heavily armoured warrior walked towards her. The sun bounced off his bronze armoured arms as he knelt beside her and thanked the healer for his trouble.

Now then lass let’s have a look at yer.” He said removing his helm.
Eve made to move but was overcome by nausea.
Steady lass, I nay bite.” He said grinning.
He rummaged in his pack and pulled out a waterskin, some bread, cheese and a red coloured potion.
Here take a sip of this, it will make ye feel better.” He said passing her the potion.

Eve did as he asked and forced herself to eat a little bread and cheese too. The Covian started to dress a nasty looking gash on her arm as she washed down the food with a little water. Feeling better now she was helped to her feet. The warrior noticed the colour already returning to her cheeks and smiled at her as he passed her a few coins from his pouch.

Take this lass. There’s a tavern not far yonder. The Green Goblin is its name. Get some warm food inside yer and rest up a while… I must be about my duties. Tell the tavern staff Raiden… Senior Grenadier Raiden sent yer and they will look after ye.

With that the Covian put on his helm and set off to catch his colleagues.

Senior Grenadier Raiden. Eve marked the name and the face too.

Over the ensuing weeks Eve visited Cove often. Getting her bearings and watching the guardsmen go about their duties. She saw the Baron but once or twice and he was always accompanied by at least two soldiers garbed just like the Grenadier Raiden, who had helped her when she had been attacked.

Deep down she knew these visits to Cove were as much about catching a glimpse of Raiden as they were for planning her revenge on the Baron, but every time such a thought entered her head she dismissed it as a whim.

She allowed herself to watch the Grenadier a couple of times from the shadows, sharing a joke with the guardsmen following their return from a mission or briefing them before setting out on a patrol. She chastised herself whenever he made her smile – how could she feel that way about a Covian after they’d slaughtered her parents. He might even have been one of the killers.

It seemed the only way to get anywhere near the Baron would be to join the Covian army and maybe even to become a Grenadier. She was a fair shot with her bow and since the ogre attack she had learned a little in the art of healing so she could now hold her own in combat.

The next day Eve packed what she needed and headed off to join the Covian army. It was a Covian Dragoon who signed her up but by chance she came across a Grenadier Sergeant on one of her first duties. He was a strikingly handsome fellow with a ready wit and flirtatious twinkle in his eye. Eve politely enquired how she could become a Grenadier.

Grenadier Sergeant Valentine explained that the famed Grenadiers were THE elite unit of the Covian army, the Baron’s personal bodyguard and the best trained and disciplined of all the army’s regiments. Eve smiled politely as he went on to mentioned that she could infact be tutored by a Grenadier if that was truly what she aspired to be.

Couldst thou recommend a mentor to me? I have heard the name Raiden mentioned since my arrival, he is a Grenadier is he not?
He is indeed Miss Eve and I couldn’t recommend such a fine mentor or a finer fellow for that matter.
I would be most grateful if you could ask him to be my mentor Sergeant.” Eve said, her heart in her mouth. She had done it, the first step towards her revenge! She had joined the Covian army.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2007, 03:31:29 pm by Eve » Logged
John Dell
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« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2007, 04:34:15 pm »

(OOC: Nice story! Does this mean Raiden and Eve is the same person?  Huh /OOC)
« Last Edit: February 01, 2007, 04:41:33 pm by John Dell » Logged

"Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal."

Oct sayeth  (19:47):
We need more Swedes.
Oct sayeth  (19:47):
"I was stabbed."
Oct sayeth (19:47):
"But I will hold this in and carry on."

First Story       --->      Smiley
Second story --->      Undecided
Third Story     --->     Sad
Raiden Morana
Cove Command
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Karma: +103/-27
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« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2007, 04:44:26 pm »

[ooc]This part of the story is from Eve's viewpoint - it will swap from Eve's viewpoint to Raiden's as it unfolds - no we aint the same person Wink[/ooc]

Retired Commander & Grenadier Captain.

Holder of The Richter Crest, The Baron's Cross, The Covian Seal (x2), Rage Of Raaz.

Veteran of The Kaldorian Line, First Minoc Campaign, Vesper Campaign, Yew Campaign, Second Minoc Campaign, The Border Wars, Vesperian Civil War & The Great Combine.

John Dell
Covian Guardsman
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« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2007, 04:46:13 pm »

[OOC: Oh, okay. How come she ain't writing it then? ;o /OOC]

"Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal."

Oct sayeth  (19:47):
We need more Swedes.
Oct sayeth  (19:47):
"I was stabbed."
Oct sayeth (19:47):
"But I will hold this in and carry on."

First Story       --->      Smiley
Second story --->      Undecided
Third Story     --->     Sad
Conan Darkmoon
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Grenadier of Cove, Protector of the Baron..

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« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2007, 06:19:56 pm »

 Very well written, surprised im not in there!   Sad
Mela Arkay
'Must be stopped'
The Light Company
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« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2007, 06:50:31 pm »

{Its a style of writing - Nicely written Eve, shocking to say the least;) )

Conan Darkmoon
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« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2007, 08:49:36 pm »

 Oh by the way.. for those of you that can't stand Conan in his beer belly-ness and vain attitude... That Handsome soldier she is speaking about is myself... if I am not mistaken, although she falsesly called me a Seargeant.. that's Junior Eve Smiley.

 *Smirks Idly by and chuckles to himself in a sad attempt to irritate his enemies*
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2007, 07:01:24 am »

[OOC]Hehe, I was shocked too hearing that (I knew it for sometime)... Without getting into details I'll only say that this plot can develop into a very interesting story. Nice writing, BTW[/OOC]
Raiden Morana
Cove Command
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« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2007, 08:09:27 am »

Later that night Raiden, a Corporal now, shared an ale with Vince at the tavern.

Hoh! Always happy to mentor new recruits Sarge, especially potential Grenadiers and especially ones who are as pretty as this lass Eve!” Raiden winked at his friend.

In fact she was at the training session I held just now. She seems keen enough and shows a bit of potential. She even asked me how best to build up her strength. I think she’ll do just fine.

Vince nodded. “She’ll go far I’m sure with a mentor such as you my friend and speaking of pretty lasses how does it go with you and Amy my man?

Gah! The Scouts have her away all the time. I can nay remember the last time I saw her.” Raiden frowned, drained his ale and got up to leave.

Sorry to hear that matey. Damn pesky Scouts eh?

Raiden gave a wry smile and made his way home.

He penned a quick note accepting Eve as his apprentice at his writing table and stared out of the window into the cold winter night. How long had it been now since he’d seen his sweetheart Watchman Amy? His face saddened. Damn the Scouts and their sneaky missions he muttered and went to bed.

Over the next few weeks Raiden kept a close watch on Guardsman Recruit Eve. Keeping her busy with tasks and noting her progress on hunts and patrols. He was most impressed with her development but he was always sure to keep her focused and not show too much just how truly delighted he was to have such a willing student. He was growing to like the girl, she reminded him of someone close to his heart.

He started her on her Grenadier training and Eve was eager to please her mentor. Training in the virtues and roles expected of her as a Guardsman and later as a Grenadier. A lot of this training was done alone with Eve and Raiden knew a bond with the recruit was forming and it troubled him.

One day, their duties finished after a particularly intense training session Raiden and Eve made their way to the safe town of Haven. They had a few drinks in the tavern to unwind and the Grenadier tried to find out a little about Eve’s past. She was from Vesper he knew from her accent but the recruit seemed very evasive about his other questions. Surprisingly though she seemed to know quite a bit about him but Raiden paid it no mind.

He did find out however that Eve had a low tolerance to wine as she started to feel a little worse for wear after only a few bottles. Raiden chuckled to himself as he heaved her up into his arms and carried her to the inn. He paid for a room and laid Eve down gently onto the bed.

You’ll have ter learn how ter drink if ye want a life in the Grenadiers lass.” He chuckled.

Anything for you Raiden sir.” She mumbled as she floated off to sleep.

But he’d already left the room.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2007, 09:47:59 am by Raiden Morana » Logged

Retired Commander & Grenadier Captain.

Holder of The Richter Crest, The Baron's Cross, The Covian Seal (x2), Rage Of Raaz.

Veteran of The Kaldorian Line, First Minoc Campaign, Vesper Campaign, Yew Campaign, Second Minoc Campaign, The Border Wars, Vesperian Civil War & The Great Combine.

Raiden Morana
Cove Command
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« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2007, 01:27:02 am »

It was Moot time in Trinsic and although the guardsmen were spread thin they were sent to Trinsic to help with security and enjoy the moot when off duty.

Raiden and Eve made to leave the Covian outpost and head out to patrol the Trinsic woodland.

I don’t think Amy would be too happy knowing you were taking a female guardsman out on patrol alone Raiden.” Scout Corporal Mela said raising a brow.

Give us a moment lass.” Raiden said to Eve and as she left the outpost he turned to Mela.

I may be a lot of things Mela but I am honourable. Eve is my apprentice. Nothing more.

Mela looked at him.

Besides if ye didn’t have her off on some damn fool mission all the time there’d be nothing fer the gossips to talk about!” Raiden snapped and turned to leave.

He’d got a couple of paces before sighing and turning back to Mela.

I’m sorry Mela. It’s not your fault.

A faint smile crossed her lips.

Have ye had any word from her?” He asked.


Raiden sighed once more and set off on his patrol.

On their return Raiden and Eve noticed a buzz around Trinsic. An archery contest was about to take place. Some of the lands finest archers were gathered at the butts. Raiden nodded to Mela as he and Eve approached.

Mela smiled slightly. “All well in the woods?

Aye, all is safe.” Raiden looked around. “An archery contest eh? Ye should take part Eve.

Eve shook her head, "No, I don't wish to enter", she seemed surprisingly adament that she would not. But as the contest progressed, she suddenly walked out and announced that she would do so. Raiden raised a brow at her change of heart but he shrugged and wished her luck as she strode up to the butts.

A few short minutes later and the recruit was walking away with a fine engraved bow for winning the contest!

Har! Another Covian victory!” Boomed Raiden to many of the other archers distaste.

Raiden grinned as he patted his apprentice on the shoulder and even Mela raised a smile and congratulated the aspiring Grenadier

A few nights later, the moot over, Raiden entered his cottage. He unbuckled his armour and with a sigh sat at his writing desk to catch up on his paper work. He was a Corporal now and he seemed to battle as much with paper as he did against Yewlanders.

After reading through several reports and writing out tasks for his apprentices he got up to stretch. As he did so Amy stepped from the shadows with that mischievous grin on her face. Raiden beamed and they embraced.
But something was wrong. The torch had been dampened in both of them. They sat and talked through the night. Their duties had kept them apart too long and although neither could see a change in the other they both knew themselves that they had moved on.

At last they stood and embraced once more… as friends, and Amy stepped back out into the night.

He cursed the fact their duties had kept them apart for so long and although he still cared for Amy it could never be as it once was and for a moment rage swelled up in him.

Raiden flung his writing desk across the room, paper scattered across the floor. He snatched up his kit and headed out on a lone patrol.

Retired Commander & Grenadier Captain.

Holder of The Richter Crest, The Baron's Cross, The Covian Seal (x2), Rage Of Raaz.

Veteran of The Kaldorian Line, First Minoc Campaign, Vesper Campaign, Yew Campaign, Second Minoc Campaign, The Border Wars, Vesperian Civil War & The Great Combine.

Eve Thenasa
Senior Guardsman
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Karma: +45/-5
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Mae na fordd i rhoi Wil i welly.

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« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2007, 11:03:54 am »

These last few months had seemed worth staying alive for thought Eve. Where once she felt void she now felt whole again.

Only her desire to avenge her parents death had kept her going. It had brought her to Cove... where she had begun to make friends and where she had met Raiden.

It was the Grenadier Corporal who filled the void in her soul not hatred and revenge.

She was a Grenadier herself now... She had chosen life over the certain death an attempt on the Baron's life would bring.

But as she walked to the barracks that morning something hung heavy around her heart. She began to doubt whether or not this was all a dream... Some sick fantasy.

She'd heard a little of Raiden's reputation when she'd arrived in Cove, but then again she believed him to be an honourable man too. She was in turmoil. She had heard the rumours about Vince's Stag Night and paid little heed to them. She knew Raiden had a ready wit and cheeky grin for the ladies but she also knew she was his gal... Or did she.

After she had picked up her duties at the barracks Eve set out to patrol the shire. She heard two guardsmen gossiping outside the tavern. "Hoho... Good ol' Raiden's been at it again wit' tha' Dragoon lass eh?!" Eve marched out into the woods, tears stinging her eyes. No! They must have it wrong! Raiden wouldn't do that to me. He's a fine man... Doubt darkened her soul.

The darkness nagged away at her all through her patrol. Didn't he love her anymore? What had she done? What had -he- done? It can't be true can it? Suddenly life was less worth living and the fire of revenge burned strong again.

If Raiden no longer loved her what life did she have left in Cove? Or anywhere?

If the rumours were true... She knew what she must do!
Raiden Morana
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« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2007, 01:01:30 pm »

Raiden sat atop Mount Glenmore. His armour neatly piled at his side and the fresh spring breeze drying the sweat from his long climb. He looked out to sea and pondered on the events of the last week or so...

His old friend, Sergeant and pulling... Err... Drinking partner Vince was at last married to the lovely Kelly, the Lynx Necklace had been recovered and lost for good - thank the Avatar and rumours abound in the town of a fling with Flina! No wonder he hadn't seen much of Eve.

His face saddened as he thought of his sweetheart, she deserved better he knew and it pained him to think of her having to endure the tittle tattle of the guards and civilians... But then he only had himself to blame!

It seems that not for the first time his charm, ready wit and cheeky grin had gotten him into trouble. Jealous husbands and suitors he could handle but the thought of losing Eve sickened him to his stomach.

He enjoys his banter with Flina and perhaps has a soft spot for the flame haired gypsy girl... But nothing had happened between him and the Dragoon...

He laid back and stared at the sky, thinking over his whirlwind romance with the newly promoted Grenadier. Happiness touched him. It was just then that he realised exactly how much he had to lose!

No matter how many maids smiled shyly at him or how bawdy his banter with tavern wenches it was the time he spent with Eve that made him truly happy.

He jumped to his feet, snatched up his kit and ran down the mountain slope.


Retired Commander & Grenadier Captain.

Holder of The Richter Crest, The Baron's Cross, The Covian Seal (x2), Rage Of Raaz.

Veteran of The Kaldorian Line, First Minoc Campaign, Vesper Campaign, Yew Campaign, Second Minoc Campaign, The Border Wars, Vesperian Civil War & The Great Combine.

One-handed and one-eyed Elf
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« Reply #12 on: April 10, 2007, 04:47:53 pm »

[OOC: Really neat story! Keep it up! Grin]

This thread has reached the pinnacle of its usefulness. We've established Kas is a hippy. Thread locked.
Citizen of Cove
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« Reply #13 on: April 11, 2007, 12:36:31 am »

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