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Author Topic: The Boxing League's Introductory Meeting  (Read 4357 times)
John Dell
Covian Legend

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« on: May 14, 2007, 12:54:40 am »

Boxing Introduction

Held by: John Dell and Qom Riyadh


Dragoon Sergeant Hoagie
Grenadier Corporal Raiden Morana
Senior Guardsman Tiberius Kane
Watchman Faden Wildheart
Watchman Celuvian
Guardsman Recruit Synara Kahn (Left around the middle)
Guardsman Recruit Jakob D'Stoke
Guardsman Recruit Zoie Hayden

With this introductory report we hope to tease the urge to try boxing out, and to show what we talked about in our first meeting!

Our introduction seminar was located in Cove's Academy of Fighting Excellence and as we arrived to the newly set up class room like facility everyone sat down and the lecture could begin. To help those that did not focus on the lecture and to those that chose not to show up we will present what areas we went through and a small recap about them.

What was being brought up:

  • WHAT boxing really is.
  • The two different boxing styles: Brawler and out-fighter.
  • Rock-Paper-Scissors.
  • Boxing outfit.
  • 90 Second Rounds.
  • The Homework.

What is boxing?

Boxing is more than going to a tavern, drinking yourself instable, and then trying to know out each others teeth on the muddy streets. Boxing has rules, honour, and finesse. It's a sport, not a brutal bunch of men longing for violence. Boxing is about being a winner! Training hard and becoming a champion! Boxing is how we can gain glory!

Boxing Styles.

The Slugger, also referred to as the Brawler, or Puncher, is the fighting style fitting the slow and brutish. The Slugger is noted for his raw power and lack of finesse. Due to the slugger's dangerous single-punch power, the slugger has a high knock-out rate. They often lack mobility and have a difficulty pursuing opponents that are fast on their feet. They tend to prefer hard, slower punches like the uppercut and hook and tend to ignore punching combination - which leaves them open for counter-punches.

The Out-Fighter could be explained easily as the opposite of the slugger, although this is not entirely true. The out-fighter is someone who likes to keep a distance between himself and the opponent. Working with swift feet, keeping the opponent at bay with faster and longer punches like the jab.  And because they rely on the weaker punches, like the jab, out-fighters often wins by points rather by knock-outs. They like to control the fight by using long jabs to keep the opponent away, using good and fast footwork to dodge and evade the opponent if he closes in. Some say that they are the best strategists because of their ability to control the pace of the fight, tearing the opponent down and tiring him. An out-fighter shows more finesse than a Slugger.

Swarmer. Mentioned but not explained.


The different boxing types work as the well known child game rock-paper-scissors. Each boxing type has a weakness which another has as strong point.This might best be explained as follows:

Out-Fighter > Brawler
Brawler > Swarmer
Swarmer > Out-Fighter

The out-fighter that wants to keep a distance has an advantage to the slow brawler who hits slow but hard. Those with a brain might be able to figure out what the swarmer, also called in-fighter, has as strong point and weak point.

Boxing Outfit

The boxing outfit is to consist solely on a pair of sandals, short pants, and boxing gloves. Women will be allowed to wear a shirt.

Rounds & Time

A boxing match will consist of three rounds. Each round being 90 seconds with a 30 seconds pause between each round. After the three rounds have passed and neither of the contestants have been knocked out, the judges rule a winner and the match is over. The match can however be a lot longer than 3 rounds if the judges doesn't agree, and will then go on until a knock out has taken place. Epic rounds are well known for title matches and tournament finals.


The Covians that participated were given a home work. If you are interested in coming to the next session feel free to do it! It is important as the next meeting will be based upon what you have gathered.

You were asked to gather as much information on yourself as possible; what you are good at and your weak points. Are you tall and muscular or are you small and agile, or perhaps small but strong with a lot of stamina? We ask that you gather as much information about yourself to present for next time.

Are you interested in the Covian Boxing League and would like to know more, or are you interested in coming to our next session, eventually signing up for the League? Sign below!

« Last Edit: May 14, 2007, 08:24:35 am by Jack Sinist » Logged

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We need more Swedes.
Oct sayeth  (19:47):
"I was stabbed."
Oct sayeth (19:47):
"But I will hold this in and carry on."

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Conan Darkmoon
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« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2007, 03:20:13 pm »

I'd teach you all a little thing or two about boxing.

 *Signed* Conan Darkmoon
Raiden Morana
Cove Command
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Hup! Hup!

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« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2007, 03:37:17 pm »

Excellently run Qom and Dell.

My homework is done and I can nay wait fer the next session!

Sign me up for the league too, I need a nice relaxing pastime.


Raiden, Grenadier Corporal.

Retired Commander & Grenadier Captain.

Holder of The Richter Crest, The Baron's Cross, The Covian Seal (x2), Rage Of Raaz.

Veteran of The Kaldorian Line, First Minoc Campaign, Vesper Campaign, Yew Campaign, Second Minoc Campaign, The Border Wars, Vesperian Civil War & The Great Combine.

Conan Darkmoon
Covian Legend

Karma: +15/-45
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Grenadier of Cove, Protector of the Baron..

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« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2007, 04:13:56 pm »

 I'll join the league.. but only because im certain i'll kick everyones arse.

 *Signed* Conan Darkmoon
Covian Guardsman
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« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2007, 06:16:35 pm »

Life is a challenge
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« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2007, 10:17:06 pm »

I will attend the league!

Thank you for the great lesson, I look forward to the next.

Samuel West
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« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2007, 01:48:10 pm »

I'll attend the next training session to see what all this is about.

Thomas Sendrich, Regular Dragoon

Jakob Stoke
Covian Guardsman
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« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2007, 02:56:20 am »

Í will attend as well to see if I can avoid being knoced out as soon as before.

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