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Author Topic: Carl Hammonds notebook: Case two - Light reading  (Read 2620 times)
Vince Valentine
Cove Command
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Carl Hammond - Detective

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« on: June 05, 2007, 01:35:06 pm »

Hammond rubbed his eyes as he sat up on his bed. His head pounded and his mouth felt like it'd been chewing on a mouthful of sawdust all night. He looked down to his lap.

"Fell asleep in your clothes again huh Carl? Guess that's what you get for drinking the cheap stuff..."

Blinking rapidly in an attempt to clear his head, he reached for his hat. As he made for the door, something caught his eye. Sitting on the floor at the foot of the door. Some kind of note...?

Can't remember the last time I woke up feeling like this. Guess I celebrated finishing that Feather case a bit too hard. Screw it, hair of the dog Carl, that'll fix you up nicely, always did. I take out my hip flask and take a slug. The liquid leaves a warm feeling in my throat and I shudder slightly as it settles in my gut.

Best medicine in the world Carl, hell, you should be a doctor.

I allow myself a smirk and sit down on my bed, squinting at the note. Too early for this crap. As I finish reading it, I mull it over for a few minutes. It was a fresh case...

Mister Hammond,

Word has caught my ear of your talents as a detective. Thus, I write this note to provide an opportunity for employment. I do not know if you are a Churchgoing man, Mister Hammond, nor does it matter. But in the Church there is a copy of a text known as 'Malleus Maleficarum'. I am concerned about what this text contains but the Church copy appears to be locked. I therefore wish you to obtain a copy of the text for my viewing - or at least some idea of what it contains. Please provide an indication of whether you are up to this task and what your fees are likely to be.

Miss Leontine

Truth was, I didn't need it. Hell, Valentine had paid me well for the feather case, and I could comfortably take a month or two off. What the hell would I do with that sort of time though? Take up gardening? Not this sap, no way. Only thing that got me up in the morning was my work, and I sure as hell wasn't about to give that up to sit around gathering dust in some two bit, fifty gold a night Inn room. There was an address at the end of the letter, and i needed the air. I headed outside...

As I leaned on the treestump opposite the building, I began to feel a little better.

Thinking clearly now Carl, Yeah, doesn't take you long...

It was early, and the only thing breaking the silence was the birdsong above me.
After twenty minutes or so, a woman came into view...
This couldn't be her. She was pushing seventy and that's being kind. This dame had been around the shire a few times alright, hell, I doubt she could even see to write at her age.

She begins to unlock the door.

Damn it, well, as long as she can pay what do i care?

I shout to her. She spins around quite fast for an old dame, and I explain that I got her note. She takes it all in, asks how much for my services.

"Huh. Services? Whatever lady, your the boss

I give her a good deal, and get the hell out of there, telling her I'll be in touch. This shouldn't take too long. How much trouble can it be to snag a storybook...?

I head back into town. People are awake now, the guardsmen are doing their thing, citizens heading out to the fields. I had work to do too. I arrive at the church doors.
These Covians sure do take their religion seriously. This place looks like it took some doing to whack together, and that would've cost big money. I cased the joint, looking for anything that would give me more headaches. Seems clear, but it usually does, Until you're face down with some heavy hitter standing on your back asking what you're doing. There was a door into the side of the church, just through the stable part of the church. Figured I'd make a quiet entrance and see what i could see. The door was unlocked and I slid inside.

The inside smelt like freshly cut wood, and it had a dusty look about it.

Cute place. Wonder where they keep the holy wine...?

Suddenly, a voice booms from behind me. I spin around to see a heavily built man almost upon. He's telling me to remove my headwear. Guess he means my hat. I dance to his tune, and he starts poking around, asking what I'm doing here.

Think fast Carl, don't choke on your first mouthful...

Told him I'd had a crisis of conscience, wanted to live a purer life, all that crap those churchmen love to hear. He beckons me forward...
I saw the book. Sitting there, clear as day, right in front of me. The Churchman, think he said his name was Godfrey, motions to me to kneel.

Not something I'd usually do, but hell, I had to find out about this damn book, and the only way to do that was to play his game. When he's done doing his Church thing,
he tells me to go. I stall him for a minute, ask him about this book...

He doesn't want to spill anything. As I asked about it, he slammed it shut like he was protecting it from something. Looks like I won't be able to just snag it and get the hell out. Had to be sly, do what needs doing.

Damn it Carl, can never get a break Huh?

I better tell my client costs have gone up, this is gonna be risky...

To Be Continued...

[OOC: This information is to be regarded as OOC knowledge, unless your character was there at a certain event :OOC]


Ileana Leontine
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« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2007, 07:59:39 pm »

Ileana Leontine read the detective's report with a frown crossing her face. She had no problems with paying more for the man's work - in fact, she had been taken aback somewhat by the original estimate - but rather it was the delay. She had been hoping to begin decoding the text as soon as possible in order to determine precisely what was being taught, now that she had... enjoyed a sample of the Church's hospitality once already.

How long will this take, Mister Hammond, and how much?
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