Attended by:Raiden, Grenadier Sergeant
(Leading)Hoagie, Dragoon Sergeant
Falconheart, Junior Guardsman
Marcus, Watchman
Dimman, Guardsman Recruit
Trophy Collected: Claw of the Wyrm!I had planned to hold a sentry duty but lack of bodies made it impossible, so i decided to check all was safe around the Household. I bumped into Sergeant Hoagie who was planning a sentry duty of his own... Inside the tavern!
"Let's do summat heroic eh Hoags?" I said. Give the men something to talk about over their ale tonight.
"Let's bash some Balrons!" Hoags responded. Har! Just as we had armed up we were joined by Watchman Marcus who joined us on our herioc mission.
We headed for Chaos and immediately slew the gargoyles and harpies that welcomed us. We advanced slowly to the balron's lair but
there was only a golden one so we buggered orf! all seemed clear, besides Hoagie had left the oven on and Marcus needed to sharpen his axe!
We headed back to the portal only to be reinforced by Falconheart and Dimman so I reformed the men and we headed back into the abyss! As there were no Balrons to slay I led the men to the passage that was home to the Ancient Wyrm.
I briefed everyone on the tactics to use before luring the beastie into our trap!
Despite taking some hard hits we brought the swine down and I hacked off a claw as a souvenir. Hoagie then led us to the Compassion shrine via a shortcut he knew and we bashed a few elven brigands and cheese-eaters on the way.
Once back in Cove I shared out the loot,
Marcus and Falconheart donated 2,500 coins each to the coffers.
Well done chaps!
*Signed*Raiden, Grenadier Sergeant.