Teaching: Gabriel Drachen, Watchman
Attending:Celuvian Haap, Watchman
Hoagie, Dragoon Sergeant
Olchafa Serpernt, Regular Scout
Mela Arkay, Scout Sergeant
Grief Dryfh Gry, Hardened Guardsman
For my watchman trials I performed a class on healing for a few of the Soldiers. I went over the basic methods of healing, by the use of bandages and potions to heal wounds. The others took to the concept very easily understanding the processes used to healing wounds during battle.
Next I moved on to methods of curing poison, Going over the simple methods such as using a potion, to the more complicated and exotic forms like Petals and Bandages. I also gave them fair warning that the best way to fight poison is to avoid it, and to not go chasing assassins on their own.
It was at this time I let them break for ten minutes, Allowing them to partake of the pizza and Ale I brought compliments of the Green Goblin (and my gold purse).
My list moved on to more unconventional forms of healing. Magery and Chivalrous abilities were covered in this subject. Though useful I let them know these forms are more suited for support.
Finally I moved on to the forbidden art of healing known as Spirit Speak. I did not explain how to do this but I did tell them it's concept and how it worked.
All in all they learned much and I enjoyed teaching it. i will arrange more classes like this on my own time for Recruits and watchman.
Signed: Gabriel Drachen