**Announcing open auditions for actors and extras for the first run production of Ezmerelda at the new Covian Theatre of Arts!**
All parts including the leads are available! There is also an opening for a Costume Designer if you have skills working with clothing.
Have the distinction of being one of the principle players of this exciting new production held at the Grand Opening of the Theatre.
The auditions will be held from 9pm on Thursday, July 19th, so be there!
High talent? No talent? Even bankruptcy! All are welcome to come and try out!
The theatre is located just north of the Baron's Household, along the coast near the road to Altmere.
[OOC: I'm basically using this event to see who is interested in being a part of the theatre at some point, so I can see if this idea has enough support and will fly; as well as seeing who has the flair for the dramatic

So, if you think you will ever be interested in becoming an actor or even a stagehand or something, please turn up. Or leave me a message if you're unable to make it, but are interested.]