LEADCadet Carcer, Graem
ATTENDINGSergeant Grayner, Hoagie
Corporal Sanderson, Kelly
Scout ShadowHand, Kal
Watchman Haap, Celuvian
Watchman Trent, Jon
Recruit Larissa
Recruit April
Recruit Dah'Han
It's a well known, but little regarded truth that recruitment parades get recruits - If you get out into the town and put on a good show, people watching will want to be part of that show. If you stay in Cove all day, your numbers will slowly dwindle.
Today I arranged a drill training and recruitment parade in order to better practice our men and get some recruits. The first attempt wasn't successful as hardly anyone turned up, but the second attempt a few hours later saw the appearance of many new recruits.
They picked up the ropes pretty quickly, and we were well on our way to getting basic concepts nailed into them. Soon enough they were good enough to parade, and off to Haven we went to impress the locals. Once we finished, I instructed them to run around Haven spreading the good word of the Covian Army.
An excellent effort all, we'll see some new recruits by the weekend I imagine.
*Signed* -
Graem Carcer, Officer Cadet.-=-=-