Leading: Tyrael Styx, Junior Grenadier
Raiden Morana, Grenadier Captain
Hoagie, Dragoon Sergeant
Kelly Valentine, Corporal
Graem Carcer, Officer Cadet
Flina Trix, Regular Dragoon
Dalamar, Regular Scout
Azhaal Rhu, Guardsman Recruit
Franchesca, Guardsman Recruit
After the promotions parade, I decided since I haven't lead anything recently to head our fine soldiers out to Chaos. The Plan? To secure a selected area and to patrol out and lure in the nasties. When we first got there, there was a bunch o' stone birds and uglies that were quickly dispatched. After than we secured the easiestly breachable walls with crates and hides. Then we sent out small little patrols to head out and get the big fellas. The patrols did good for every time then went out there brought huge black winged beasts! After we killed
a couple hundreds! We decided to pack her up and head home! Another flawless victory
FOR COVE*~Signed~*
Tyrael Styx,
Junior Genadier