Led by:Kelly Sanderson, Corporal
Attending:Grief Dryth Gry, Hardened Guardsman
Graem Carcer, Officer Cadet
Tyrael Styx, Junior Grenadier
So. We went to Stonekeep to have some battle games...
...After a slight obstruction.
Three Vesperians and a man in green who talked funny surrounded the Minoc Moongate. The man in green spat on Grief's boots. Disgusting creature. We followed them through the Minoc Moongate and they were going to Yew, just like us. We stalked them beyond the Abbey in Yew, and then lost track of them soon after. We went to make the Militia aware that they had three Vesperians and a potential trouble-maker on their soil.
We got to Stonekeep, and we searched for the Vesperians for a little while, with help from the Waywatchers and the rest of the Militia. After finding nothing, we proceeded to their citadel roof to begin our archery games.
We had barely completed on game when the Vesperians could be seen standing 'guard' outside the tavern. Everyone glimpsed off the roof in disbelief that such a small amount of men would dare enter whilst enemies. When we all arrived downstairs and gathered around them, the Vesperians gave a short little speech about why they were there. A few seconds later, the Vesperians attacked, after a few men dressed in the similar shade of green as the funny-looking fellow jumped out from outside the tavern, behind and around the Vesperians.
The fight lasted barely two minutes, if that. The Vesperians and most of the men in funny clothes were on the floor, spluttering. The Vesperians were taken into the Militia cells, where they were to be questioned and possibly torchered. It was to our suprise that even though we had just aided them in defeating the enemy, Cove ourselves were asked to leave by a rookie and a footman. Obviously, we declined, as they had no reason for us to do so.
We left at our own pace and tried to seek out a stray orc befor we left. However, he had scampered. Probably because Grief was hurling unique abuse at him, wherever he was hiding.
An unsuccessful AA trip, but at least they know we exist!
Kelly Sanderson, Corporal