Marcus Kobra
Regular Grenadier
Cove Command
Covian Legend
Karma: +27/-20
Posts: 1262

"Death is certain, When is up to your Medic."
« on: December 18, 2007, 02:48:28 am » |
6Th day of the 8Th month 365
"It started with simply wanting to make life easier. Gathering quicker, safer. Hold a beast in place here, block my escape here, vanish without a trace there. I had a good idea where to start.... An Elf, particularly one that nobody liked and claimed was unscrupulous as could be, belligerent when on his -best- behaviour, and having absolutely no taste in his cloth. I found the later of the three to be true when I found the chap, lounging inside the barracks. He was dressed in the most awful colours and the cloth was obviously cheap, dirty, and third hand.
I nearly balked at the price, but weighing the cost to how much it would assist me in trade and gaining personal power, power which I seek to have over many of these shabby and inglorious others. He wanted Two-thousand and five-hundred Gold Crowns, The price of a small apartment in Skara Brae, the same price I'd paid for freedom coincidentally.... Yes It was all that I had and more that I paid him. Sold my tools and all my rings, oh those priceless gems. Even Grandfather's best Delucian Wristdial. Oh yes its primitive now that we have clockworks, but it was an artifact of itself. I'll subjugate him someday like the rest, like those Skara Braen Aristocrats did to me for five years of my life..."
7Th day of the 8Th month 365
"I learned to infest a man's body with a foul disease today. I can make the heavens open up and rain lightning bolts. Flames erupting from every finger to make the flesh of my enemies bubble! Sadly I have not the will power to control men. I tried to paralyze a merchant today, for a second I felt his mind, and then nothing as I burnt his flesh from his bones in anger. It will take time, practice, more meditation and Research. And I have all the patsies I could ever want... right here in this backwater post of a garrison town. I never liked violence.... oh but I see now just how beautiful it can be, when done with a wave of finger and tongue!"
{OOC: This information is entirely OOC unless you where in someway involved in game. I hope this story unfolds rather nicely!}