Leading: Khaelieth Llelmandred Kellenwyr Sereghyanda the Great
Attending:Axiana, Citizen
Hrothgar, Sergeant
Kelly "Pantless" Sanderson, Corporal
Graem Carcer, Drill Sergeant
Raiden Morana, Grenadier Head Honcho
Falconheart, Junior Grenadier
Justice Forum, Recruit
Alfread, Recruit
Kal ShadowHand, Regular Scout
Thomas Scarr, Watchman
Destruksjun, Elven Llama
While waiting for people to come, there were two very rude soldiers that implied that my choice of pack animal was silly. They were wrong! Also, as there are women in Trinsic that want to cut my throat, I suggested a decoy to give his life for me! Raiden was given the task, but quickly gave the cunning disguise back to me. It's his task to protect me! With an amazing amount of guards showing up to ensure the security of my goods, we set off in his spirits, though it took some time for the guards to react to my orders! Luckily, Hrothfgar was there! Enlightening various soldiers as to why the middle of June is a bad time for a Covian soldier to enter the forest, we reached the road. On the road was a vile, two-headed monster! An ettin! The llama took it down fast, and we made our way towards the Moongate. After a while, Pantless thought it was a bit cold (bet she wasn't wearing anything under the plate armour!), so she said she'd get herself and Axiana a cloak and meet us at the Moongate.
After a brief break, where I enlightened Axiana on the matter of caravanning by explaining the first rule of caravanning: Guards are expendable, we headed on to the crossroads. Still no sign of the lobsters.
After scattering the few monsters on the road, we got to the moongate, where we noticed... Most of the soldiers had lost their sense of direction and were probably lost! Pantless arrived wearing what could only be a disguise kit to look like Hrothgar! Silly notion! After they eventually arrived, we headed to Trinsic. We made our way through the Elven Quarter to the headquarters of Kendall and Stirling. The goods were exchanged and we had a discussion on the matter of Minoc. Stirling's elder (and wiser) brother was wondering who controlled Minoc and the mines. He said if Cove ever managed to gain control of them for him, he'd be willing to supply Cove with arms!
Leaving Trinsic behind us, we eventually reached the Moongate, the lobsters hot on our heels! Heading through the Moongate, they apparently followed and staged a cunning ambush, where Pantless apparently got lost. We also found a cake, which I confiscated.
Walking back from the crossroads, we somehow got separated again, which ended in Axiana spraining her ankle and a nameless recruit getting killed by lobsters. All in all, a fine, if dangerous, trip.
Suggestions: Show guards what's north on their maps. They're terrible! Also, a lecture of the nature of lobsters might be in order
Lobster -->
[OOC: Found the confounded sketches! Hurray!]