Leading:Jenny D'griff
Attending:Marcus Tel'var
Citizen Assistance:Jonathan Fix
With our combat gear at the ready we loaded onto a ship at the naval yard. Setting sail we headed out of the bay and prepared to assault the dock at the Southern end of the Orc Fort. With great ease we unloaded onto the dock and secured the immediate area, not a single Orc was standing guard! With the dock secured we made our way into the fort and proceeded to crush some greenies. Salvaging what we could, we hauled it back to the dock and stowed the loot aboard the ship. We made several such forays into the fort and soon had a hefty pile of plunder.
When all the loot was counted, the totals came to:
200 Shadow Ore
23,059 Gold Coins
535 Wooden Boards
11 Piles of Hides
*signed*Perrin Stonespear, Junior Guardsman