Saturday Training Report: 05/17/08
When: 05/17/08 8pm Gmt
Location: Barracks Roof
Commanding Officer: Hoagie, Sergeant
Guardsman in attendance:
Eve, Grenadier Corpora
Marcus Tel'var, Junior
Takeamada, Watchmen
Delferium, Recruit (Me)
After successfully finding Khaelieth and returning him back to Cove Hoagie held a training exercise. Marcus, Takeamada and myself and eventually Eve attended the training session although that ungrateful Khaelieth was watching from the stands. We ran ten laps rather than five because of him! Then when Eve showed up we did ten push-ups while she made up the five laps. After that we got into a double line formations and had a one-on-one fist fight between the four of us as a warm-up. Afterwards Hoagie went through two basic formations: The Tracker's line and the Box formation. We all had a basic understanding of the formations afterwards. We finished off with a free-for-all fight with our fists. It ended up being an "everyone get that guy" fight finishing off Hoagie, then me, then Takeamada and finally having Eve beat up Marcus. The training session was over.
Delferium, Recruit