Foraging for food! Led by:Raiden, Captain
Attended by:Carcer, Drill Corporal
Kelly, Sergeant
Hoagie, Sergeant
Cazzius, Junior Guardsmen
Marcus Kobra, Watchman (Reporting)
Eva Bustenhalter, Recruit
Report:After receiving the Call from Captain Morana I reported to the barracks. It seems that with our only sources of food burned thanks to the "Itis" we would have to forage for food. Rather than hunt game or pick wild berries and twigs in the forest, or even raid a Loyalist caravan, we would be getting it from those notorious food hoarders, the sacrifice ratmen! Ugh, food from them? Distasteful! but necessary!
We set out at a forced march to the Minocian gate. I straggles in.. damned trees, who the hell chose to put so many! Irregardless we set our path to sacrifice shrine in Ilshenar. We were to kill the ratmen and take their hordes of food! We Encountered light resistance, even some non-taxpayers! All where put to a restless sleep in the Abyss before we came to the major rat man camp. Slaying them and their golden kinsmen (A common mutation and perversion within the lands of Ilshenar) we came to the cave. A nameless gapping hole in the mountainside, the bane of a revered and well respect Grenadier as I was to learn. Prayers for his soul and kin. Sergeant Kelly did not enter with us....
Also at the time we were joined by the Drill Corporal! After having slain the lot and burned their remaining stores of food, we withdrew to the barracks at a forced march.
Upon emptying our packs we found we had just over 20 thousand crowns and a mountain of food! We took our cut and just in time for the tithe at Mass!
We were all promptly dismissed and headed for Mass!
Another Covian victory! Damned ratmen, teach them what for!
Marcus Illinius Kobra, Watchman, Army of Cove
My sketches: