« on: May 16, 2005, 05:26:36 pm » |
Mini Quests will be available to all whom wish. Our bar lady Carmen always holds valuable information that you can descover by asking "Rumours?". She tells ye a story and every word that has ".." is a key to unlock the next piece of the story. For example ther is a current quest that i have set up. Go to carmen and say Rumours? She will tell you a tale and it will say "Strange". To unlock the next sentence say strange and so forth.
Once a quest is completed the items collected should be placed in a crate that has been supplied with the quest character. Also there is a book and write your name inside and send me an icq at 135604951. Give me yer name and if you completed the quest.
The reward for this effort, i shall only tell you once you have completed the quest! So go forth and descover!