Lead by:Hoagie "Steals people's ideas" Grayner, Mercenary Sergeant
Attended by:Torrak "Talks about himself in third person" Keres, Mercenary
Marcus "Still doesn't have a nickname" Kobra, Mercenary
Mohamed "..." Tereas, Mercenary Recruit
Since we need to get people to hire us, it's important that we're not rubbish! To ensure that this doesn't become the case, I lead a training. Torrak and Mohamed were lined up on the roof, but then Marcus came along. Having been unaware of the announcements made the night before, "surprise" was an understatement.
We eventually convinced him that we weren't guardian worshippers, though an off colour joke
someone made didn't really help the situation.
The training was a short series of 2v2 fights, in which I stressed the importance of crosshealing, and using careful tactics to disrupt the healing of the enemy. All those involved showed a decent grasp of combat and the tactics I was discussing, but hopefully the practice will be useful!
Hoagie Grayner,
Sergeant Mercenary Sergeant