What: Battle Training with the Trade Union
When: January 29, 2009
Where: Serpent's Hold
Leading: Torrak Keres, Mercenary Skirmisher
Attending: Raiden Morana, Commander
Kas Valentine, Veteran Mercenary Arcanist
Vince Valentine, Veteran Mercenary
Kaitlin, Mercenary Recruit
Devante Stirling (S&K)
Van Cocidius (VTC)
After wakin' up a tad late and nearly forgetting Abigail, I linked up with the men outside the barracks. We waited for a few moment for the rest of the Union forces to arrive (only the Chancellor was there), but none showed up so we proceeded to Serpent's Hold. Once there, I divided the six people present into the following groups;
Pink Team:
- Vince Valentine
- Kaitlin
Green Team:
- Van Cocidius
- Raiden Morana
Grey Team (Team Extremely Awesome):
- Kas Valentine
- Torrak Keres
After dividing the teams up, I led everyone into one of the forts that occupy either side of the bridge that spans the harbor of Serpent's Hold and sealed the exits with crates. We fought several rounds of 2v2v2 combat, but most notably the first round was won by Team Extremely Awesome via the following method;
I fell first in the initial flailing of axes and firing of bolts, but this was intentional - it caused the Greens and Pinks to begin fighting amongst themselves while Kas alternatively teleported onto and off of the high ground to fling forth volleys of firey death. Eventually one of the teams (I nay remember which - I was incapacitated at the time) defeated the other, and, not noticing Kas, lost one of their number before they could react. Kas then chased the survivor down.
Needless to say, Kas performed admirably. Afterwards we expanded the battlefield across the bridge into the other fort, and, with the arrival of Devante Stirling and departure of Vince Valentine, organized the teams as follows;
Team Extremely Awesome:
- Raiden Morana
- Kas Valentine
- Torrak Keres
Team Pathetically Hopeless Except Kaitlin:
- Devante Stirling
- Van Cocidius
- Kaitlin
Team PHEK started on the offensive, and walked right into a deadly ambush set by Team EA. Everyone attacked in unison, stunning and knocking Stirling before chasing Kaitlin and, finally, Van down. The training continued in this manner before finally we moved on to the grand finale; a skirmish whose battlefield would be the entire town of Serpent's Hold!
During the first round of this, Team EA performed admirably, taking down targets and disrupting Team PHEK's coordination with exceptional efficiency. Finally felling the Chancellor, a tiebreaker round was called. Unfortunately, during this round Commander Morana and I were pinned down between Stirling and Kaitlin and I was knocked on me arse. The Commander escaped, however, and he and Kas held their ground for a solid fifteen minutes before Team PHEK finally prevailed.
Having dozed off briefly, I didnt believe we'd lost. I begrudgingly congratulated the Recruit on being instrumental in her team's victory, and then had Kas transport us back to the Barracks, where I dismissed the training and most of us went to the Swaggers for ale.
*signed sloppily, with a little stick figure drawing of Torrak shooting at Van with the words 'I shot the Chancellor' scrawled beside it*
Torrak Keres, Instructor Extraordinaire, Mercenary Skirmisher