Lead by - Torrak Keres
Attended by -
Elizabeth Martin - Mercenary
Thomas Aylmer - Mercenary Recruit
Valkur - Mercenary Recruit
Keane Wakefield - Mercenary Recruit
Leander - Mercenary Recruit
Torrak Keres- Mercenary Corporal
Reno Montresor-Mercenary Recruit
We gather'd at the barracks for a nightly hunt.After much disscussion we decided to go to DestardFighting the dragons they proved to be a little much for the company.Keres called for a tactical retreat.We reformed outside and decided to go to Ice to hunt.He taught some us the Arkay Manuver.
Then took on a White WyrmWe then reformed at the barracks for a loot count.Signed~Keane Wakefield~