Report: Into Deceit!
In Command: Elizabeth Martin, Company Arcanist
Present in the Company:Delferium, Mercenary
Dalamar, Company Pathfinder
Leander Le Blanc, Company Arcanist -
On the Eve of the Fifteenth of April,Pickles led the company into Dungeon Deceit in order to bring its inhabitants to justice.
The point of this mission was to smite the Undead and to practice healing each other in serious combat conditions.
As we explored the familiar damp and drear dungeon, the Undead came at us from all directions. They'll try and kill anything they lay their bony hands on after all. Pickles and I wrought spells and Buttons and Dalamar wielded weapons in order to vanquish these filthy abominations back into the abyss.
We continued to descend down the stone chambers to the lower levels of this pit. I hath no doubt that if one pressed on until the very end of Deceit, one would surely arrive in Hell itself. We were swamped by undead magi for a moment, but with tight healing we prevailed.
We discovered a particularly moldy room, the aged stone walls were covered in clusters of green moss. There was a mingled stench of death and mildew. Inside the room were exploding mushrooms! When we left to hack down more deadites I felt a slight euphoria from their sporish emissions. Interesting.
I hath affixed a few sketches:
One catacomb we found was was littered with human bones arranged in all different piles and shapes. I can attest that this mass grave was stacked one hundred high, a horror I hath never seen! Dalamar decided that this is where 9 out of 10 of our recruits must end up, I wholeheartedly agree. So. Many. Bones.
After frying a few liches and putting an end to their evil rituals we decided 'twas time to fall back from these animated corpses, lest death take us down with it.
Once we booked it out of the dungeon we rallied back at the barracks. After we were paid we hadst raised 9650 gold coins for the Coffers. Nay a bad haul!
Fie on Deceit! Another grand Covian triumph!
*Signed in curly writing*
Leander Le Blanc,
Company Arcanist