Ser after reasont events that have taken place I have set my self back to full duty. I was out Patrolling the Yewish area looking out for the Kings men when I come upon Stone Keep. There I seen Me'an laying on the ground with a Lass hovering over him seemed to be wrapping his Legs. I approached and se a note laying beside him.
The Lass told me he had to be moved to a place to be treated as soon as Possible. I gathered the note placing it in my pack and picked the watchman up over my Showlders to bring him from Yew to Cove so he would be safe and well taken care of. After getting to Cove it was empty so I took Me'an to the Local healers.
I then headed to the Barracks to see if the Captain was around to make my report to him but he was out not to nbe seen. I pulled the letter from my pack, curiouse to see what it said and this is what I read.
I can not beleave that Esca hate us that bad enough to do this. The Las that had rendered aide to Me'an was a Lass that frequents the Goblim know as Suzy Fairweather.
I am at your Command Ser what will you have me do now Ser. Vesper needs to know that we are not and will not be pushed around Ser.
Officer Cadet: Kal ShadowHand