The events that Transpired, Twenty eighth of the fifth month, year of the unstrung harp, eighth hour past zenith.It was with baited breath that I set forth from our glorious church to look upon the millitia men and women who had heeded the tower-bell. Little did they know what foe opposed them, I dared not explain anything other than our destination, lest they fled before the unholy terror that the serpent inspired to all men.
And so it was that we set off towards our destination, first marching to the moongate of Minoc where we paused to gather breath and check weapons. Once we entered the foreign lands there would be no time for such luxuries...
And so we arrived in Homare-Jima, the beauty of the pink blossoming trees acting a facade for the true evil that stained that foul landscape. An evil that would consume the whole of Sosaria if left unchecked.
Readying arms we pressed north, into terrain where the grass and trees had died, leaving the land a baron wasteland, frequented with huge undead lions and rogue Samurai. Fighting hard, we pressed through these encounters and then suddenly, as if from nowhere, the serpent was upon us, hacking left and right with it's claws and biting with ferocious maw. The girl Moon fell instantly to this savage attack and the rest of us were forced to flee back towards the gate.
After regrouping and healing we resumed the attack upon the foul creature, invigorated as the Avatar smiled down upon our glorious fight. A local Shaolin master joined our fight as the combat grew intense. Many of the millitia and indeed myself were knocked on several occassions but as soon as our wounds were bandaged, we resumed the fight, unwilling to let this monstrosity of the Guardian defeat us!
Eventually, after trapping the serpent in a copse of trees, we were able to finally slay it, the combined force of church and millitia proving too much for its evil.
Heading back to the barracks I commended the millitia for their hard work before heading off to rest.