Greetings, Sir.
I have left this note with you to tell you of what occured that night in which Saphira of the Green Goblin assaulted your personage after the woman known as Mischief assaulted you only previously.
I have left some sketches of what occured before you were treacherously knocked out by the woman in question, Saphira, and some of afterwards... I hope they help to enlighten you and provide some good aid in further investigations to the possible hanging of this tavern wench!
Hopefully I was of some use to you in the evening overall, I did not take her into custody as it states I must be over Junior rank to arrest citizens, and also to be provided with the neccesary keys. However on the sketches images of her are present. I hope it will help you remember the night.
Yours sincerely.
Edward, guardsman recruit.Boss.
I have copied this extract of a letter i send to Darek Milako, Grenadier, to hopefully gain his trust if not also inform you of recent events concerning the woman known as Mischief. As you can see from the copy of the letter and the sketches, boss, the woman is currently in custody. I am unsure if the information is useful to you, but I would rather pass it on then to not.
Hope it has some uses. Also on a further note boss, seems the Grenadier has lost his memory, I am unsure the state but he was unaware of his name when he replied to my actual letter. This might be of a use as he seems from the reports I seen to be most wary of you and your men...
I shall keep you informed of any further leads. Thank you for taking the time to read this, boss, I hope I won't disapoint you..