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Author Topic: Evidence involving Chaffers  (Read 2276 times)
Covian Guardsman
Covian Legend

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« on: October 06, 2009, 10:22:18 pm »

Whilst under the disguise of Kelban, I was only able to attend two meetings that of which Chaffers attended. One meeting was held in Vesper at the Swaggers basement.  Where Jierdan had explained that he was now incharge of the Brotherhood and that Kiran had stepped down from the leadership of it. While at the Vesper meeting, Kiran took the floor and soon pointing about a man of what name i do not remember and had him taken asking Kas to open a portal in which the man was pushed in before Kas closed it behind him.

 The other meeting was held at Kiran's office that is supposed to be the Baliff's office for the Baron. Whilst there Kiran was talking over alot of different deeds they have done in the past like the Millhouse incident where both Chaffers and Kas both laughed about it with Kiran, who then went on to say they did not plan but was there by chance. He then went on saying how Kas had murdered for him and would do it again needed. Nothing was said about Chaffers doing any murdering for him but through all the rumors and past talk indicate Chaffer's involvement in all of it as he did say he watches Kiran's back as Kiran took care of him where none would.

At this last meeting I was able to attend Kiran his self went on to talk about Railen and how it wasbest to get to Raiden the Commander of the Covian Army to keep him away from the Brotherhood by killing their new born son. Kas had added some comments on it, Chaffers also had added a few Comments as everyone there did. I had added a few comments hoping they would hand it over to me so I could get to the Commander and warn him and Miss Railen about what was going on. But instead, Kiran trailed off the matter onto who was leaking out information in which Vaughn had pointed the finger at me, which I was glad he did. Kas and Chaffers then showed where their true Loyalty lay. I was only able to get out with no harm to me as I sat by the door of his office.
*edited to be more readable*
« Last Edit: October 07, 2009, 12:05:51 am by Aliryl » Logged

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