T'day a few of t' Millitia's recrui's an' meh wen' on a partol wi' Gimbly as leadin' rankin' officer. We wai'ed ou'side t' barracks ter star'. Origionally we were goin' ter se' up camp on a road an' tax any passers. Bu' 'cause of t' Recruits Cadre we 'ad ter shor'en t' patrol so instead we wen' on a local one ter t' Orc For'.
Orc For':
So we wen' ter t' For' and Gimbly go' us in box formation an' gave us orders an' talk ter us abou' wha' we were abou' ter do. He tol' us ter make sure we 'eal eachother, an' stick together as a close uni'. This go' us all fired up for t' comba'.
However t'ings didn' qui'e go ter plan. T' 'ealing jus' never qui'e go' star'ed. Weh seemed ter be figh'in on our own, no' as a team. Methinks i' was 'cause everyone was runnin' from teh Orc Bru'e tha' was hittin' us. This mean' tha' we couldn' 'eal people when they ran away, so t'ey all go' nocked.
Weh go' over this wi' t' 'elp of Gimbly, an' we wen' for another go. Thin's wen' grea'! Gimbly acted as a skirmisher by runnin' an' lurin' orcs over ter t' res' of us, there we bashed them an' learned ter 'eal proper. In t' end everything wen' great!
Anari, Guardsman Recruit, Covian Millitia