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Author Topic: [Task] - Training Instructor  (Read 2611 times)
Marcus Kobra
Regular Grenadier
Cove Command
Covian Legend

Karma: +27/-20
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"Death is certain, When is up to your Medic."

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« on: October 07, 2009, 07:49:17 pm »

Marcus Kobra, Regular Guardsman

Senior Arcanist, Kas Valentine
Junior Guardsman, Rita Whalebiter
Watchman, Cor"Vani
Watchman, Bersi
Watchman, Keane Wakefield

I gathered the men on the barracks roof tops for a little training. I started them off with Five laps about the parade field, just to get them warmed up. Next a few push-ups, to loosen their scrawny arms! Cor'Vani and Rita both seem to be in peek condition, the others however. . . ugh. My personal opinion is the Arcanist squad needs beefing up, their stamina and strength are below most underfed street urchins. Tis sad really.

Once that was done I started asking them about battle order and what their purpose was. They answered well, though Senior Valentine could use some refreshers, his old brain is fading so it seems. Cor'Vani however was spot on with every question. Wakefield slept and Rita seemed distant. . .  Wakefield needs a fire under his arse. A big roaring one! After the question and answer I held an inspection of Kits and parade arms. Most Parade arms passed though I don't like the Arcanist "Twig" there's no polish, its lazy and sloppy! Kits where appalling. Either they had no bedroll, or no bandages. . . .  Watchman produced a bag filled with severed bat wings. Filthy! I sent him into town to fetch new gear and he came back with only 50 bandages, For his troubles he did eight laps.

That taken care of, I had them do some parade orders. Kas actually excelled here. His gut swung into position nicely as he turned to and fro. Wakefield slept yet again, and Bersi is slow like Molasses. What else is new I ask ye? Showing some basic proficiency none the less I decided some live training was in order an marched them off to Covetous.

Once inside I began calling orders to see if the men could follow them in combat situations. My form orders where followed. . . if rather oddly with so many ranged fighters. We cut a swath through the hordes of feathered women folks their pained squawking echoing off the cavern walls. We stomped, Cut, and Fire balled out way through to the next cavern where I tested their ability to follow orders again. The first form order failed miserably, nobody bothered to cover my left and everyone wanted to be in back! The second time they got it right! Quick studies these folks.

Eventually we ran into a whole mess of water elemental and Giant arse blue glowy spiders! Yuck! Squashing this new threat we moved along. Once outside and having dealt with the high levels of skeletons in the area I called Kas to gate us home. I was not going to be a fool and attack a liche's nest with so few.

Once back at the barracks I had them bust a Free-for-all, the arcanists teemed up, a direct failure of orders and where given fifteen laps for it. After this was settled I had them dish out the loot from our Hunt/Training.

We collected 4,355 Gold Coins and 550 Feathers which I stowed in our stores.

Marcus Kobra, Regular Guardsman

*Some Sketches*

The Lord hath created medicines out of the earth; and he that is wise will not abhor them.
Raiden Morana
Cove Command
Covian Legend

Karma: +103/-27
Posts: 6064

Hup! Hup!

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« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2009, 02:23:04 pm »

Good work Kobra!


Raiden, Commander.

Retired Commander & Grenadier Captain.

Holder of The Richter Crest, The Baron's Cross, The Covian Seal (x2), Rage Of Raaz.

Veteran of The Kaldorian Line, First Minoc Campaign, Vesper Campaign, Yew Campaign, Second Minoc Campaign, The Border Wars, Vesperian Civil War & The Great Combine.

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