Atrus Kien
Covian Guardsman
Covian Regular
Karma: +0/-0
Posts: 111
It wasnt me... maybe...
« on: December 11, 2010, 11:30:15 pm » |
Attended by:
(leading) Ilyana - Arcanist Corporal Fritz Segur - Guardmans Recruit Gaius Blaesus - Guardsman Recruit
*written kind of sloppy with some blood and ink smugges*
It started off as a normal mission to bring back two traitors from New Hope back to Cove. It ended wrong as we found out there were alot more men the there was with us. We fought anyway to hopes we might win. We lost anyways and they took hold of Corproal Ilyana. She is now there prisoner.
- Recruit Bleasus