When: 02/18/11Led and Reported By: Jassi Cowin, Junior
Guardsmen in Attendance:
Veronica Tilliman, Guardsman Recruit
Cal'ain Cui'gnir, Watchman
So I had forgotten I had done this and had this report just sitting about as I did something similar to this not too long ago.. I did everything the task says. I got sketches of all the brutes that were slaughtered and of all the locations where we went in the fort.. It is hard to believe if there is any more orcs there right now, they come back like cockroaches though, we even made it all the way to the docks.. I ordered my men to take their armor off as the duty says..
We sure lived up to this task, I was pleased with both Cal and Veronica, they showed a great display of what being a guardsman is all about. After we returned home we had quite the pile of gold, 3,500 per guardsmen went to the coffers..
Jassi Cowin